Literatura de Cordel

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Literatura de cordel
A chegada de Lampião no inferno (Arrival of Lampião in Hell). The stories about the Cangaceiro Virgulino Ferreira da Silva , known as Lampião, were a popular topic and were written by José Pachêco da Rocha .

The Literatura de Cordel is a small format booklet of Brazilian folk literature . For a long time these booklets were the only mass media available in northeastern Brazil .


The "Literatura de Cordel" goes back to European storytelling traditions from the early modern period . It was brought to Brazil by immigrants at the beginning of the 17th century. The result was a Brazilian form of literature that incorporated local legends and African narrative traditions as well as influences from European immigrants. It was published in booklets that originally appeared in northeastern Brazil. The language of the common people was used, ignoring grammatical rules and also creating new words. The most common stanzas used were six verses, with each verse containing seven syllables. The booklets have 8, 16 or 32, rarely 64 pages. The fact that the booklets are usually attached to strings with clips at the sales points led to the name "Literatura de Cordel" (in German, for example: "Literature on a cord").

The "Literatura de Cordel" is geared towards the interests and tastes of the public. Its content covers all topics that are the subject of communication in society. Some booklets report on events from different parts of Brazil, on crimes, historical events or the lives of saints, writers, politicians or regionally significant people. The cover sheets were designed with woodcuts and later also with photographs. In the second half of the 20th century, the “Literatura de Cordel” was able to maintain its important place in the spectrum of the Brazilian mass media , even if there was repeated talk of its decline. In the 1960s and 1970s, both at home and abroad, the scientific interest in "Cordel" arose. In the meantime there are numerous literary and social science works on this genre. The Ibero-American Institute has a large collection of “Cordel” notebooks. Current "Cordel" texts can be found on the Internet .

See also


  • Márcia Abreu: Da literatura de cordel portuguesa . In: EPA: estudos portugueses e africanos, No. 3, 1984, pp. 97-103.
  • Márcia Abreu: De como a literatura de cordel portuguesa se tornou brasileira . In: EPA: estudos portugueses e africanos, No. 5, 1985, pp. 7-14.
  • Leon Cardoso: Literatura de cordel. Uma questão da historiografia literária brasileira . Clube de Autores, Jacobina 2012.
  • Luciana Castro-Galvin: The african influence in Northeastern Brazil's Cordel and Reprente . In: Anales del Caribe, No. 16-18, 1998, pp. 39-53.
  • Mark J. Curran: Brazil's Literature de cordel. Its distribution and adaptation to the Brazilian mass market . In: Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, No. 1, 1982, pp. 164-178.
  • Mark J. Curran: Reflections on the state of Brazilian Cordel in 1985 . In: Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, No. 7, 1988, pp. 107-120.
  • Mark J. Curran: Brazil's Literature de cordel. Poetic chronicle and popular history . In: Studies in Latin American Popular Literature, No. 16, 1997, pp. 219-229.
  • Mark Dinneen: Listening to the people's voice. Erudite and popular literature in North East Brazil . London 1996.
  • Konstanze Jungbluth: O uso dos pronomes demonstrativos em textos semi-orais. O caso dos folhetos nordestinos . In: Sybille Große, Klaus Zimmermann (ed.): Elementos do “substandard” na linguagem falada culta (Biblioteca luso-brasileira, vol. 6). Teo Ferrer de Mesquita (TFM), Frankfurt am Main 1998, ISBN 3-925203-64-8 , pp. 329-355.
  • Gerdt Kutscher, Christof Vonderau: The girl who danced Lambada with the devil. On the Brazilian Literatura de Cordel . Edition diá, Berlin / St. Gallen 1992 (catalog for the exhibition from September 19, 1992 to January 3, 1993 in the House of World Cultures, Berlin).
  • Franklin Maxado: O que è Literatura de Cordel? Rio de Janeiro 1980.
  • Ulrike Mühlschlegel , Ricarda Musser : De cómo la Donazela Teodora atravéso el mar, se casó con un cangaceiro y finalmente descubrió la cibernética en São Paulo. La literatura de cordel brasileña como medio de masas . In: Iberoamericana, Vol. 2, 2002, No. 6, pp. 143-160.
  • Candace Slater: Stories on a string. The Brazilian Literatura de Cordel . Los Angeles 1982.
  • Candace Slater: A vida barbante. A Literatura de Cordel no Brasil . Rio de Janeiro 1984.
  • Candace Slater: Literatura de Cordel and the mass media in today's Brazil . In: Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, No. 7, 1988, pp. 97-106.
  • Luis Tavares: Cordel Poetry, Mysticism and Banditry . In: ABP. Journal of the Portuguese-speaking World, No. 2, 1998, pp. 95-107.
  • Anja-Rosa Thöming: Roland, Karl's fan. Literatura de cordel: stories and news for the people . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of May 2, 2001, p. N6.
  • Christof Vonderau: The face of the folhetos. The woodcut illustrations of the Literatura de Cordel . In: The girl who danced lambada with the devil. On the Brazilian Literatura de Cordel . Edition diá, Berlin / St. Gallen 1992, pp. 29–45.

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