
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lithofracteur is a special mixture of substances that was patented as an explosive by the Cologne-based explosives factory Gebrüder Krebs & Co and was brought onto the market around 1870. The mixture was known under this name since at least 1860.

The composition of the mixture is a modification of the dynamite recipe by Alfred Nobel , with the aim of achieving a better explosive effect than conventional dynamite. The ingredients are nitroglycerin , sawdust , kieselguhr and barium nitrate . Here, the proposal by RJ Wagner and the Belgian captain Wynanta was picked up originally as a source of oxygen contained potassium nitrate to be replaced by barium. The names Saxifragin or Newton powder were also used for the mixture . The name Lithofracteur about means in German Steinbrecher , Saxifragaceae is the botanical name for the Saxifragaceae .

Lithofracteur was used by the assassin in the attack on the Moselle .


  • Johannes Rudolf Wagner, manual of chemical technology Verlag Otto Wiegand, Leipzig, 1880, page 211 .
  • C. Lukow, On explosive powder and explosive powder surrogates , Deutz, 1869.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Journal for the mining, smelting and saltworks in the German Empire, Volume 8. 1860. ( Full text in the Google book search), p. 176.
  2. Richard Escales: The explosives with special consideration of the newer patents. 1904. Online at .