Liu Haixia

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Liu Haixia (born October 23, 1980 ) is a Chinese weightlifter . In 2007 she became world champion in the duel in the weight class up to 63 kg body weight.


Liu Haixia started her international career as a weightlifter in 2002 at the Universities World Championship in Izmir . She won there in the weight class up to 69 kg body weight with 242.5 kg (102.5-140) ahead of Pawina Thongsuk from Thailand, 235 kg (130-135). The next assignment at an international championship she had then again in 2005. At the 2005 World Championships in Doha in the weight class up to 69 kg body weight with 274 kg (120-154), she finished 2nd behind Sarema Kassajewa from Russia , who achieved 275 kg (118–157). She showed an excellent competition and had six valid attempts. It is possible that she, or the coaches of the Chinese team Ma Wenhui and Li Shunzhu, gave away the victory by using too cautious tactics. After the break she led Zarema Kasajewa by 2 kg. In the push, she took 154 kg for her last attempt, which she also managed. Sarema Kassajewa went all out and took 157 kg for her last attempt in the push, which she also managed and thus trumped Liu Haixia by 1 kg in a duel. Liu Haixia could no longer counter, as she had already completed her three push attempts.

2006 Liu Haixia won the Asian Games in Doha with 265 kg (115-150) in the class up to 69 kg body weight clearly ahead of Pan Yar Thet from Myanmar , 235 kg and Kim Mi-kyung, South Korea , 223 kg. She managed another victory at the Asian Championship in Tai'an. She started again in the weight class up to 69 kg body weight and achieved 262 kg (112-150) in a duel. In 2007 she achieved the greatest success of her career, because she was in Chiangmai / Thailand , world champion in the weight class up to 63 kg body weight with a duel of 257 kg (115-142), which meant a world record. She referred Svetlana Zarukajewa from Russia , 250 kg (115-135) to 2nd place.

2008 Liu Haixia won in April of that year at the Asian Championship in Kanazawa with 240 kg (104-136) in front of Nguyen Thi Thiet from Vietnam , 225 kg and Jelena Schadrina, Kazakhstan , 222 kg. But she could not fight for a starting place for the Olympic Games in Beijing afterwards at the Chinese championship in 2008 .

In 2009 she was not represented in the list of winners in either the Chinese championships or the Chinese national games. It is not known whether she took part at all. She was not at the start at the international championships.

International success

year space competition Weight class
2002 1. Universities World Cup in Izmir up to 69 kg with 242.5 kg (102.5-140), before Pawina Thongsuk , Thailand, 235 kg (105-130) and Angela Medina, Colombia , 230 kg (105–125)
2005 2. World Cup in Doha up to 69 kg with 274 kg (120–154), behind Sarema Kassajewa , Russia , 275 kg (118–157), in front of Olga Kiseljewa, Russia, 250 kg (110–140)
2006 1. Asian Games in Doha up to 69 kg with 265 kg (115–150), before Pan Yar Thet, Myanmar , 235 kg a. Kim Mi-kyung, South Korea , 223 kg
2007 1. Asian Championships in Tai'an up to 69 kg with 262 kg (112–150), before Khuat Minh Hai, Vietnam, 205 kg (90–115) u. Kao Ya-Chun, Taiwan , 203 kg (87–116)
2007 1. World Cup in Chiangmai / Thailand up to 63 kg with 257 kg (115–142), ahead of Swetlana Zarukajewa , Russia, 250 kg (115–135) and Pak Hyon-suk, South Korea, 240 kg
2008 1. Asian Championships in Kanazawa up to 63 kg with 240 kg (104-136), before Nguyen Thi Thiet, Vietnam, 225 kg (101-124) u. Jelana Schadrina, Kazakhstan , 222 kg (99–123)

World Cup individual medals

  • World Cup gold medals: 2005 / Tear - 2007 / Tear - 2007 / Push
  • World Cup silver medals: 2005 / pushing


  • all competitions in single combat, consisting of snatch and push,
  • WM = World Championship,
  • KG = body weight


  • Trade journal athletics ,
  • Website "",
  • Website of the international weightlifting association ""

Web links