Livia Klausová

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Livia Klausová

Livia Klausová (born November 10, 1943 in Bratislava ; born Mištinová ) is a Czech economist and diplomat.

Livia Mištinová's father Štefan Mištin, who died in 1959, was an officer in the Slovak State's secret police . Mištinová studied at the Prague University of Economics (VŠE). In 1968 she married her fellow student Václav Klaus . The couple has two sons Václav (* 1969) and Jan (* 1974). Klausová worked at the Economic Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences . In the 1990s she was a member of the supervisory board of several banking institutions.

During her husband's tenure as President of the Czech Republic from March 2003 to March 2013, she was the first lady of her country. From December 2013 to April 2018 Klausová was the Czech ambassador to Slovakia .

Web links

Commons : Livia Klausová  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Klausův tchán pracoval u tajné policie fašistického Slovenska Lidovky , February 9, 2013 (Czech)