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With Logorrhoe (which, even logorrhoea , from ancient Greek λογόρροια logórrhoia - from λόγος lógos "word, speech" and ρέειν rhéein "flow" - German "Pathologic talkativeness" fachsprachlich occasionally polyphrasia , colloquially speaking diarrhea , speech addiction , fluency , pressured speech ) is defined as the compulsive urge of a patient or test person to communicate excessively verbally. Logorrhea can occur with some mental illnesses, but also with excessive consumption of alcohol , caffeine or other drugs.

Logorrhea results in an almost uninterrupted and excessively rapid flow of speech. A distinction is made between incoherent and coherent logorrhea ; in the incoherent form, the flow of speech can no longer be followed.

Logorrhea occurs as a typical condition in manic , paranoid and schizophrenic clinical pictures as well as in anxious-aroused psychoses . It can also be a symptom of a neurological disease. A state of general disinhibition is ascribed to organic damage to the brain in the frontal area, for example . Likewise, Wernicke's aphasia as a result of a stroke can lead to a meaningless stringing together of words.

Web links

Wiktionary: Logorrhea  - explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Stuttgarter Zeitung of July 30, 2007: Logorrhoe: When the words tumble haphazardly ( Memento from September 17, 2012 in the web archive archive.today )