London City Royals

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London City Royals
Founded 2018
resolution January 24, 2020
Hall Crystal Palace Center
league British Basketball League (BBL)

The London City Royals were a basketball team from the British  capital, London .


The team was founded in the early summer of 2018 by ABC Basketball Limited . ABC Basketball Limited was previously founded in May 2018 by Jon Sawyer, Robert Hayden and Nhamo Martin Shire. The team saw itself in the tradition of the London Towers and Crystal Palace, which also had their home in the Crystal Palace Center in south London.

For the 2018/19 season, the City Royals were given a starting place in the British Basketball League , and former England international Jay Williams was hired as the first head coach in the club's history in July 2018. In their first year, the team won the BBL Trophy competition . Tony Garbelotto joined the staff as a consultant in September 2018 . Lloyd Gardner was signed as coach for the 2019/20 season. On January 24, 2020, the team was withdrawn from play for financial reasons during the current season.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b London City Royals join British Basketball League . In: London City Royals . ( [accessed November 2, 2018]).
  2. ABC BASKETBALL LIMITED - Officers (free information from Companies House). Retrieved November 2, 2018 .
  3. Jay Williams named London City Royals head coach . In: London City Royals . ( [accessed November 2, 2018]).
  4. ^ Tony Garbelotto joins Royals as consultant . In: London City Royals . ( [accessed November 2, 2018]).
  5. London City Royals: Meet the team | London City Royals. Retrieved February 17, 2020 (American English).
  6. ^ Royals withdraw from the BBL. In: British Basketball League. January 24, 2020, accessed February 17, 2020 .