Lore Mosheim

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Lore Anne Mosheim , also Lori Lane , Lore Lahner , Lory Lahner and Lori L. Brettauer (born July 13, 1914 in Berlin , † February 14, 1964 in Los Angeles ) was a German actress .


Grete Mosheim's younger sister came to the theater as a 15-year-old with her protection and made her debut at Grete's side at Max Reinhardt's Deutsches Theater . There you saw Lore with the role of Alice in George Bernard Shaw's comedy The Emperor of America under the direction Reinhardt, as Toni Bonn Fritz von Unruh's Comedy Phaea as Agnes in Molière's The School for Wives , at the same time as Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream , in turn, under Reinhardt's direction, as Iduna in Gustaf Gründgens ' staging of Roderich Benedix 's comedy Die zärtlichen Verwalten , as Paula in the Schwank Der Raub der Sabinerinnen and finally, from December 1932, as Vera in Franz Molnar's Harmonie , again under Reinhardt's direction.

Lore Mosheim stayed on this most important German stage until 1933 and also took on smaller roles in front of the camera (in the early talkies). Ostracized as a so-called 'half-Jew', the artist fled via France to England in 1933 and finally reached the USA in September 1938. The film manager and producer Erwin Brettauer (1884–1973), her husband since 1944, founded Angelus Pictures in 1942 with Seymour Nebenzahl and thus gave his wife small roles under several pseudonyms.

At the end of the war, the artist largely withdrew into private life and most recently lived as Lori L. Brettauer in Beverly Hills . In the 1950s Lore Mosheim / Brettauer can be found several times in Switzerland , her second home.

Filmography (selection)


  • Kay Less : "In life, more is taken from you than given ...". Lexicon of filmmakers who emigrated from Germany and Austria between 1933 and 1945. A general overview. ACABUS Verlag, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86282-049-8 , p. 352.

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