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Madonna del Sasso above Raphael's grave

Lorenzetto , also Lorenzo Lotti , Lorenzo Giovanni di Ludovico and Lorenzo di Lodovico di Guglielmo (* 1490 in Florence , † 1541 in Rome ) was an Italian architect and sculptor .

After some rather modest works in his hometown, Lorenzetto left Florence and went to Pistoia, where he completed the Forteguerri tomb, unfinished by Verrocchio, creating the figure of the cardinal and that of Caritas. Then he went to Rome. There he met Raffael , with whom he began to work. With the help of Raffaello da Montelupo, he created the famous statues of Elias and Jonas for the niches of the Chigi Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome. The head of Jonas was probably inspired by the ancient statue of Antinous Farnese in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples . The bronze relief with the theme of Jesus and the Samaritan woman was also created for the same chapel . In the niche above Raphael's grave in the Pantheon there is his statue of the Virgin Mary, Madonna del Sasso , whose motif is derived from the Nike of Brescia . In a side chapel of the German national church Santa Maria dell'Anima he created a copy of the Pietà by Michelangelo, although he changed the model in some distinctive features so that the people appear less idealized. In the last years of his life he worked as an architect on the construction of Saint Peter in Rome.


  • Norbert Nobis: Lorenzetto as a sculptor. Bonn 1977 (dissertation)

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Commons : Lorenzetto  - collection of images, videos and audio files