
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lot ( lo: t ) stands for:

  • Lot (Bible and Koran) , biblical figure
  • Solder (metal) , solder for soldering; ancient name for lead or shotgun pellets, especially in the phrase "herb and solder" for "powder and lead" (preserved in the hunter's language)
  • Plumb line (mathematics) , in geometry a straight line that is at right angles to another straight line or plane
  • Plumb direction , in geodesy the local direction of the gravity vector
  • Plumb bob (tool) , in handicrafts a piece of metal hanging on a thread to determine the vertical
  • Lot (shipping) , device in shipping for measuring the depth of the water or the sea
  • Lot (fishing) , when fishing, a weight to pull the bait under the surface of the water
  • a lead weight for even thread tension on the braiding machine
  • Front and rear plumb bob, two measuring points in shipbuilding

Lot ( lɔt , from English a lot 'a lot') stands for:

Lot is the name of the following geographical objects:

Lot is the name of the following people:

Lot is the family name of the following people:

LOT is an abbreviation for:

See also: