Lothar AJ Heinemann

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Lothar AJ Heinemann (born August 19, 1941 in Berlin ) is a German cardiologist , psychologist and (pharmaco) epidemiologist . He was the main sponsor of the development of an epidemiology of chronic diseases and drug epidemiology in East Germany from the 1970s to 2006.



Heinemann studied human medicine , psychology and mathematics at the Humboldt University in Berlin . He completed his medical studies in 1966 and received his doctorate in 1967 (Dr. med.). He received his diploma in clinical psychology in 1972. In 1977 Heinemann completed his habilitation in medicine (Dr. sc.). He graduated as a specialist in internal medicine (1972) and as a specialist in cardiology / angiology (1976). He received epidemiological imprint from his teachers Siegfried Böthig , later head of the cardiovascular department of the WHO (Geneva), and especially from Geoffrey Rose ( London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , London).


From 1966 to 1977 Heinemann worked at the Medical Faculty of the Humboldt University ( Charité ) as a teaching assistant in the medical clinic and polyclinic, in pathology , in social medicine and gave lessons in medical sociology / statistics . In 1977 he moved to the Central Institute for Cardiovascular Research (ZIHK) of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR (AdW) Berlin. He was appointed professor by the Academy President in 1982 for his work in preventive medicine . Heinemann was significantly effective in establishing an internationally recognized epidemiology and prevention of chronic diseases in East Germany in the international network. After 1980, his professional activity increasingly shifted to researching drug side effects in the population with a focus on chronic diseases. After the reunification, the Academy Institute was wound up and Heinemann founded the Center for Epidemiology and Health Research Berlin ( ZEG-Berlin ) in 1990 with the same objectives as in the AdW and the same staff as in his department in the Academy.


Participation in numerous international (pharmaco) epidemiology projects (1968–2006), since 1990 mostly in a leading position. In his role at the AdW in Berlin-Buch, Heinemann was responsible for the epidemiology and prevention of chronic diseases in population-based model projects in East Germany. The first model studies began in the late 1970s and covered both adult and childhood ages. This also included the implementation of methodical training courses and the international exchange of experiences: Faculty member of the "International Teaching Courses in Epidemiology and Prevention" (1981–1985) of the Eastern Bloc countries, head and faculty member of the "Intensive Course in the Methodology of Epidemiology and Prevention" (1983–1988) in East Germany. Heinemann had the role of the East German coordinator in large international projects, e.g. B. in the WHO project MONICA study (1984–1994). This included taking on tasks in international specialist societies: Vice-Chairman of the Working Group of Epidemiology and Prevention of the European Society of Cardiology (1988–92), Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Society of Cardiology (1989–1994), Member of the "Council of Epidemiology and Prevention" of the International Society and Federation of Cardiology-USA (1990-94). On the basis of his knowledge and experience, Heinemann was requested several times by the World Health Organization ( WHO ), Department for “Non-communicable Disease Prevention” (1986–92) to provide support as a WHO consultant in other countries.

For reasons of age, Heinemann handed over the management of the ZEG-Berlin Institute to his successors in 2006.


  • Over 500 scientific articles have been published in (inter) national specialist journals by Heinemann. This includes books and articles in numerous specialist books, but not printed abstracts or lectures at international congresses.
  • For details on his publications since 1990 see the institute's homepage.

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