Louis Capdevielle

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Louis Antoine Capdevielle (born May 9, 1849 in Lourdes , Hautes-Pyrénées , † July 27, 1905 ) was a French painter.


Capdevielle received his first artistic lessons in his hometown in the studio of the painter Couthouly. At the age of 19 he went to Paris to the École des Beaux-Arts , where he first became a student of the sculptor Aimé Millet . During the Franco-Prussian War , Capdevielle interrupted his training and enlisted in the army.

Between September 1870 and March 1871 he fought as a soldier in the 54th Infantry Regiment in the Loire Army . He then returned to Paris and was a student at the École des Beaux-Arts. a. by Alexandre Cabanel and Léon Bonnat . In 1873 he married Marie Hortense Genonceau in Paris and had two daughters, Anna (* 1874) and Jeanne (* 1875).

With the support of Alexandre Cabanel, Capdevielle was soon admitted to the major exhibitions of the Salon de Paris . At the annual exhibition in 1874, his work " Job " was praised.

In 1878 his wife died at the age of 25. After two years, Capdevielle married Lucie Raoul in the summer of 1880 and had two sons with her, Raoul (* 1880) and Henri (* 1885).

Works (selection)

  • Job . 1874.
  • Le pèle-porc . 1877.
  • Femme plumant and chicken . 1877.
  • Le réserviste . 1877.
  • Les petites filles et le polichinelle . 1878.
  • Les deux fillettes et les fleurs . 1881.
  • Le mendiant . 1888.
  • Vieil homme . 1886.
  • A miracle à la grotte de Lourdes . 1887.
  • L'idiot . 1889.


  • Louis Cambon: Un grand peintre bigourdan. Louis Antoine Capdevielle (1849-1905) . Académie de Lourdes, Lourdes 2001.
  • Jean Cassou: Louis Capdevielle . SAHP, Lourdes 1999, ISBN 2-9520538-0-4 .
  • Reginald H. Wilenski: Modern French Painters. From impressionism to modern times ("Modern French Painters"). Safari-Verlag, Berlin 1964.