Lucie Bacmeister

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Lucie Juliane Bacmeister , née Müller, pseudonym: Lothar von Rüdesheim , (born October 21, 1843 in Bielefeld , † November 24, 1904 in Zurich ) was a German writer and painter .

Live and act

The daughter of a Bielefeld superintendent studied German and art for teaching after her school days, passed the state examination in 1867 and then became head of the school. A year later she married the publishing bookseller and later court bookseller Johann Bacmeister (* 1841) in Riga , who was also active as a writer himself. Her husband was forced to change location several times for professional reasons and so they spent their years first in Bielefeld, then from 1870 in Eisenach , where her husband founded the Anhalter Kurier , further in Erfurt and from 1896 in Wiesbaden . Meanwhile, the mother of 12 children, she spent her time writing stories , essays and painting and published her first works under the pseudonymLothar v. Rüdesheim ”.

Her eldest son, Hans Bacmeister, himself a publisher and owner of an art studio in Wiesbaden, helped her, from 1896, to bring most of her writings and paintings, which had previously only been offered to a small circle of friends and acquaintances, under her right at her husband's request Officially put out names. Lucie Bacmeister later moved to Zurich , where she spent the end of her life. Another son, Ernst Bacmeister (1874–1971), also became a well-known writer despite difficult financial circumstances.

Works (selection)

  • Sang and legend from the Kochbrunnen in Wiesbaden . Ges. And ed. by J. Bacmeister (Ed.) Wiesbaden, 1896, 96 pp.
  • The little book from Lorelei. The sorrow of love in the old days . Wiesbaden: Bacmeister 1897, 72 pages (StUB Cologne) [pseud. Lothar von Rüdesheim]
  • Rheinliesel . Wiesbaden, 1897 (StUB Cologne)
  • How the Nibelung Treasure is raised. Listened to the Rhine daughters . Wiesbaden, 1897, 70 pp.
  • The ceiling runner. A funny story from the school and student days of a Zurich scholar . Zurich, 1899 (Swiss stories from old and new times);
  • The ceiling runner and four other happy stories . Wiesbaden, 1903 (new edition)
  • At the Alpenkai in Zurich [Erz.]. Zurich, 1899, 54 pp. (Swiss stories from old and new times)
  • The suffering and joy of women [arch.]. 2 vols. 1901 f. (Vol. 1: Doomed ; Vol. 2: Two oaths )
  • Listened to the Rhine daughters . Zurich, 1904. 238 p. (StUB Cologne) (new edition)
  • Against nature and law. A women's tragedy . Zurich, 1906 (posthumous)
  • Narrative writings . Zschopau: König, 1906 (Posthum), 354 p. [Contents: Against nature and law]. A women's tragedy;
  • And yet! Blessed happiness on earth. A life drama - Mayor Hans Waldmann . A Swiss novel. Berlin, Baumhauer, 1908 (posthumously), 283 pp


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