Lucile Desamory

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Lucile Desamory (* 1977 in Brussels ) is a Belgian artist, filmmaker, actress and musician. She lives and works in Berlin.

A central theme of her work is the puzzling and the inexplicable. As a visual artist, she creates collages from paintings and fabric. As a director she made over 15 films in genres such as slapstick, horror and fantasy. Her first full-length feature film is the ghost film Abracadabra (2013), on which she also worked as a screenwriter , producer and actress.

Lucile Desamory is married to the musician and composer Nicholas Bussmann , who also contributed the music to Abracadabra and was involved in other joint projects.

Art exhibitions (selection)

  • 2009/10: Group exhibition Happy House or: Small Repair of the World , Art in the Tunnel , Düsseldorf
  • 2013: Der Drall , Düsseldorf Cologne Open

Film productions (selection)

  • 1997: Crachat
  • 1999: Vandales et Vampires , short film
  • 1999: Lʼinfirmière cannibale , short film
  • 2004: À lʼombre de lʼhyperboloide , stop-motion animation
  • 2007: Haut les Coeurs , stop-motion animation
  • 2013: Abracadabra


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