Luciobarbus guiraonis

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Luciobarbus guiraonis
without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Genre : Luciobarbus
Type : Luciobarbus guiraonis
Scientific name
Luciobarbus guiraonis
( Steindachner , 1866)

Luciobarbus guiraonis , called Barbo Levante or Barbo Mediterraneo in Spain, is a medium-sized species of barbel that is endemic to the Spanish Peninsula.


Luciobarbus guiraonis differs from other fish species of the genera Barbus and Luciobarbus by 45 to 49 scales along the side line row (SL), the last unbranched fin ray of the dorsal fin is sawn in the front in juvenile fish, unsawn in adult fish or the saw is only weakly present. The back barb does not reach the edge of the eye and the lower lip lacks the middle flap of skin. The lower tip of the mouth protrudes and is not covered by the lower lip. Luciobarbus guiraonis is on average 50 centimeters long. A specimen nine kilograms and about three inches long was caught in the Lagunas de Ruidera. In the Rio Guadiana there are also fish over 10 kilograms.

distribution and habitat

Distribution area of ​​the Valencia barbel (green)

Luciobarbus guiraonis occurs mainly in the Spanish province of Valencia between Vinalopo and Rio Ebro and between Rio Mijares and Rio Serpis. Also partly in the river basin of the Rio Guadiana . Luciobarbus guiraonis prefers lowland waters with low currents, like many middle and lower reaches of Spanish rivers. But it also occurs in lakes and reservoirs.

Way of life

Little is known about the way of life of the species. The fish migrate upstream during spawning time.

Hazardous situation

Water pollution, habitat destruction and the introduction of foreign fish species threaten the barbel population. Other threats are the construction of dams and the canalization of rivers. It is to be expected that the population of Luciobarbus guiraonis will decrease by 30% in the next ten years if the construction of water in Spain continues. According to the Habitats Directive , an endangered species is given special protection.

Web links

Commons : Luciobarbus guiraonis  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. International Standardization of Common Names for Iberian Endemic Freshwater Fishes at
  2. a b c d e
  3. ^ Fishing World Records
  4. a b c