Lucius Aebutius Helva

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Lucius Aebutius Helva (* around 500 BC ; † 463 BC ) was born in 463 BC. Chr. Consul of the Roman Republic . His counterpart was Publius Servilius Priscus . Aebutius is said to have died of the plague that same year.

His cognomen is documented in Diodorus and in the chronograph of 354 ; after others he was called Albus or Φλάβου. Titus Livius , Cassiodorus , Orosius and Dionysius of Halicarnassus name him without cognomen. The latter calls him Lucius Fabius elsewhere .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ T. Robert S. Broughton : The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic. Volume 1: 509 BC - 100 BC (= Philological Monographs. Vol. 15, Part 1, ZDB -ID 418575-4 ). American Philological Association, New York NY 1951, pp. 34 f., (Unchanged reprint 1968).
  2. Diodorus 11, 79.
  3. Idat.
  4. Chronicon Paschale .
  5. ^ Livy 3: 6.
  6. Orosius 2, 12, 3.
  7. Dionysius 10, 7.
  8. ^ Dionysius 9:67.