Lucius Manlius Acidinus

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Lucius Manlius Acidinus came from the Roman patrician family of the Manlier and administered from 206 to 199 BC. As proconsul Spain .


Lucius Manlius Acidinus, about whose ancestry nothing is known, is first mentioned in 210 BC. Mentioned when he officiated as Praetor urbanus . Since the consul Marcus Claudius Marcellus seemed indispensable because of the war in Italy against Hannibal , Manlius was commissioned by the Senate to instruct the second consul Marcus Valerius Laevinus , who was in Sicily , to come to Rome to hold the elections . Early 208 BC In BC Manlius received the order to investigate the situation in Greece as an envoy . He should also try to attend the Olympic Games . On this occasion he also had to inform those inhabitants of Sicily and Taranto , who had fled because of the transfer of their cities to the side of the Punians , that they could now return because their home areas were meanwhile again under Roman control. Back in Italy, Manlius defended himself at the beginning of 207 BC. BC with his troops the Umbrian passes against Hasdrubal , Hannibal's brother. When the Romans had decisively defeated Hasdrubal in the Battle of Metaurus , in which the Carthaginian leader himself had fallen, Manlius sent the first message of this great success to Rome.

After the Carthaginians were driven out of Spain, Manlius went to the end of 206 BC. BC, endowed with a proconsular empire , to the Iberian Peninsula and acted there together with Lucius Cornelius Lentulus as the successor to the victorious Roman general Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus , who in 205 BC. Rose to consul. When the Iberian tribes of the Ilergetes and Ausetans , led by Indibilis and his brother Mandonius , 205 BC. After the fall of the Carthaginian rule, they rebelled against the newly established Roman hegemony, and suffered a decisive defeat against Manlius and Lentulus. The Roman generals achieved through their victory that there were no further revolts for a long time.

Manlius stayed in his position in Spain for several years, just like Lentulus, with his command extended several times. After the Romans had successfully ended the Second Punic War , it was decided to bring one of the two Spanish proconsuls home with some of the troops, while the other should re-form the rest of the army. Lentulus was the first to go in 200 BC. Back to Italy and could 199 BC. Hold the highest office of the state. In the consulate year of Lentulus Manlius also went back to his homeland. However, in contrast to his former colleague, he was not allowed to celebrate an Ovatio when a tribune , Publius Porcius Laeca , vetoed it, and he was also not elected consul. The ancient historian Friedrich Münzer sees the reason for this reluctance to Lentulus that Manlius, like Lentulus, was not supported by the politically dominant party of the Scipions.

An adopted son of Manlius, Lucius Manlius Acidinus Fulvianus , was born in 179 BC. Chr. Consul.



  1. Livy 26:23 , 1; 27, 4, 1-4.
  2. Livius 27, 35, 3f. (with incorrect timing of Manlius' Greek transmission to the end instead of the beginning of 208 BC).
  3. Livy 27:50 , 8.
  4. Livy 28:38, 1; 29, 13, 7.
  5. Livy 29, 1, 19-29, 3, 6; Appian , Iberica 38.
  6. Livy 30, 41, 4f.
  7. Livy 31:50 , 11.
  8. Livy 32: 7, 4.
  9. Friedrich Münzer: Manlius 46). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XIV, 1, Stuttgart 1928, Sp. 1164.