Lucius Mummius

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Lucius Mummius was a Roman politician around the middle of the 2nd century BC. After the destruction of Corinth in 146 BC. Became known.

He was a member of the plebeian gens Mummia and son of Lucius Mummius, who was the tribune of the people in 187 BC. Went against the Scipions with his brother Quintus and acted as praetor in 177 BC. Fought in Sardinia . His brother Spurius accompanied him as a legate to Greece and belonged to the group of philosophers around Scipio Aemilianus .

Lucius fought as praetor in 153 BC. In otherworldly Spain and then celebrated a triumph over the Lusitanians . In 146 BC He became consul and was given supreme command of the troops in Achaea , where as early as 148 BC. BC the propaetor Q. Caecilius Metellus had fought successfully. After a victory over the Corinthians under Diaios , Mummius conquered their city and completely destroyed it. The inhabitants were sold into slavery and works of art, but also other objects of value such as the echeia of the theater, were brought to Rome . In his approach, he followed a senate resolution. He should not be blamed for looting by soldiers. He also stayed in 145 BC. BC as proconsul in Greece, where he set up the province of Achaea with a commission of ten and made a tour of Greece. That year he celebrated a magnificent triumph over the Achaeans and the Corinthians; he was unofficially named Achaicus .

In 142 BC He donated the works of art from the booty to various sanctuaries in Greece as well as cities in Italy and Spain. In the same year he became a censor with Scipio Aemilianus , with whom a conflict soon arose. A short time after the end of the censorship, which he resigned after a year, he is believed to have died. He left a son and a daughter. His great-granddaughter Mummia Achaica was the mother of Emperor Galba .


  • Friedrich Münzer : Mummius 7a . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XVI, 1, Stuttgart 1933, Sp. 1195-1206.
  • Leena Pietilä-Castrén: L. Mummius' Contributions to the Agonistic Life in the Mid-second Century BC In: Arctos. Volume 25, 1991, pp. 97-106.
  • Hanna Philipp , Wolf Koenigs : To the bases of L. Mummius in Olympia. In: Communications from the German Archaeological Institute, Athens Department. Volume 94, 1979, pp. 193-216.
  • Yannis Z. Tzifopoulos: Mummius 'Dedications at Olympia and Pausanias' Attitude to the Romans. In: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies. Volume 34, 1993, pp. 93-100.
  • Wolfgang Wohlmayr: Mummius in Olympia and Rome. In: Beatrix Asamer u. a. (Ed.): Temenos. Festival ceremony for Florens Felten and Stefan Hiller. Presented by students of the Institute for Classical Archeology at the Paris-Lodron University in Salzburg. Phoibos, Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-901232-31-1 , pp. 141-147.
  • Liv Mariah Yarrow: Lucius Mummius and the Spoils of War. In: Scripta Classica Israelica. Volume 25, 2006, pp. 57-70.