Lucky People Center

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Lucky People Center is a Swedish film art and music collective around the musicians and filmmakers Johan Söderberg and Erik Pauser . The name goes back to an illegal club in Gothenburg in the mid-1980s.


Lucky People Center gained notoriety in particular through the sound carriers and films released under this name. The use of audio and video samples is typical . News and television shows are often used as sample sources.

The first release of the group, a maxi-single of 1991 entitled It's windy cloudy in Saudi Arabia theme of a second Gulf War through the use of samples of George HW Bush , Harry S. Truman and Norman Schwarzkopf . The subsequent publication of 1992 under the title Rodney King had the events of Rodney King to the content. The piece was then processed by the video artist Erik Pauser (* 1957) together with the musician Johan Söderberg (* 1962) in a video in which both the police operation against King and the subsequent riots and reactions could be seen and that for the International Media Art Award 1993 was nominated. The Rodney King video was part of the 30-minute film Information is free , which combines other, sometimes provocative, television images with a variety of music. The samples used come from, among other things, television preachers, a report on an execution and Desmond Tutu , who explains the philosophy of Ubuntu .

In addition to Söderberg, the following musicians are named at Lucky People Center: Jean-Louis Huhta , David Österberg and Skander Chand , as well as a number of different guest musicians.

The previous releases and the title of the film Information is free are included on the first album Welcome to Lucky People Center . The following releases of the group turned musically mostly to ambient and trance , whereby numerous samples were received, so among others by John F. Kennedy , Timothy Leary , Fred A. Leuchter (who explains an execution machine) and others. The group has also created remixes for other artists, so in 1995 for the title of Great Blondino by Johan Renck and 1998 a video remix of the title Timber of Coldcut .

The musical film Lucky People Center International was made in 1999, directed by Erik Pauser and Johan Söderberg. In a cinematic journey around the globe, the film conveys impressions of the most diverse people and cultures. Among others, the porn actress Annie Sprinkle , the leader of the Zulu nation Cashus D , a Tibetan monk and many others appear, whose utterances are synchronized with the accompanying music and sometimes flow into it as samples.

Since then, Johann Söderberg has made a name for himself in particular as a director of music videos, but the project name Lucky People Center has not been used since then.


  • 1993 - Welcome To Lucky People Center (Album)
  • 1995 - Interspecies Communication (album)
  • 1995 - Sundance (MCD)
  • 1996 - To the space (MCD)
  • 1999 - Interference (album)
  • 1999 - International (Album)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Video “Rodney King” (1993) in the SWR competition archive ( Memento of the original from June 12, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /