Ludmiła Marjańska

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Ludmiła Marjańska

Ludmiła Maria Marjańska (born December 26, 1923 in Częstochowa , † October 17, 2005 in Warsaw ) was a Polish poet , narrator and translator of English literature.


Her great-grandfather's family came to Częstochowa from Austria-Hungary. There she passed her Abitur and married Janusz Marjański in 1945. They had two children - Maria and Maciej. In 1961 she finished her studies in English philology at Warsaw University . In 1953 she made her debut in the magazine Twórczość with poetry, as a translator in 1956 with a volume of poems by Robert Burns . From 1957 to 1979 she edited the literary programs on the Polish Radio program. From 1993 to 1996 she was President of the Polish Writers' Union, also a member of the Polish Association of Translators and PEN. Her translations by Emily Dickinson , Walt Whitman , William Butler Yeats , Richard Wilbur and Marianne Moore are extremely valued. Some texts by Dieter Kalka have been translated into German .



  • Chmurne okna (1958)
  • Gorąca gwiazda (1965)
  • Rzeki (1969)
  • Druga podróż (1977)
  • W koronie drzewa (1979)
  • Dmuchawiec , poems for children (1984)
  • Blizna (1986)
  • Zmrożone światło (1992)
  • Prześwit (1994)
  • Starlings Lustro (1994)
  • Przez całe życie miłość (1998)
  • Wybór wierszy 1958-1997 (1988)
  • Spotkanie z Weroniką (1999)
  • Żywica (2001)
  • Córka bednarza (2002)
  • A w sercu pełnia selection (2003)
  • Otwieram sen (2004)


  • Powrócić do miłości (1971)
  • Stopa trzeciej Gracji (1980)
  • Pierwsze śniegi, pierwsze wiosny (1985)
  • Życie na własność (1987)
  • Zakochany zuch - prose for children (1989, 1997)
  • Pimpinella i Tatarzy - Prose for Children (1994)
  • To ja, Agata (1997)


Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Kürschner's German Literature Calendar 2010/2011, Vol. 1, p. 504