Ludwig Parise

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Honorary grave of Ludwig Parise in Pöttsching

Ludwig Parise (born August 13, 1912 in Pöttsching ; † April 19, 1991 ibid) was an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ) and railway employee. Parise was married and from 1949 to 1972 a member of the Burgenland Landtag .

Parise was born as the son of the small farmer Franz Parise from Pöttsching and attended elementary school in Pöttsching. After that he worked as a farm worker. He became a member of the Socialist Youth and the " Revolutionary Socialists ". In 1936 he was taken into political custody, and in 1939 he joined the railroad. He passed the technical exams for the higher service and was employed as a dispatcher from 1941 to 1944. He was then drafted by the Wehrmacht and was ultimately an American prisoner of war until June 1945. After the end of his captivity, Parise was again employed as an assistant for the Austrian Federal Railways .

Parise was regional chairman of the Socialist Youth in Burgenland between 1945 and 1947 and regional party secretary from 1948 to 1950. Between 1950 and 1960 he worked as district secretary of the SPÖ-Mattersburg and was chairman of the Pöttsching settlement cooperative from 1957 to 1983. Parise was also active in community politics and held the office of mayor of Pöttsching between 1959 and 1972. Parise represented the SPÖ between November 4, 1949 and November 3, 1972 in the Burgenland state parliament.


  • Johann Kriegler: Political manual of Burgenland. Volume 2: (1945–1995) (= Burgenland Research. 76). Burgenland State Archives, Eisenstadt 1996, ISBN 3-901517-07-3 .