Ludwig Roeder

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Ludwig Röder (born December 20, 1917 in Würzburg ; † February 26, 1993 there ) was a German poet , writer and astrologer .


Röder grew up in Würzburg, where he studied medicine from 1937 and German, English and history for teaching from 1939. After taking his exams, he taught for two years at grammar schools in Würzburg and Neustadt an der Aisch before he was dismissed without notice in the summer of 1944. He had refused to run a 'Kinderlandverschickungslager' in Würzburg-Kist because, according to Röder, "a predominantly military-oriented training is required", which he does not have (quoted from the Röder biography by Wilfrid Lutz). After the Second World War , the US military government approached Ludwig Röder, including about the Institute for Higher Education at the University of Würzburgto direct. From September 1947 he taught as a study assessor at the teachers' training institute in Würzburg, was dismissed from civil service in 1949 due to illness and political discrepancies and rehabilitated a year later. From 1950 he taught for a short time at a grammar school in Schweinfurt , but failed due to illness and received the final letter of discharge at the end of 1953 after several legal disputes with the Bavarian Ministry of Culture. From then on he lived on welfare.

From the mid-1950s to the 1980s, Ludwig Röder made an appearance through lectures, letters to the editor and leaflets. He denounced the power of the Catholic Church, turned against its anti-evolutionary worldview, stood up for the rights of women and against the rearmament of the Federal Republic of Germany. The writer Günter Grass , who visited Röder in his little house on Kleßbergsteige in the summer of 1967, became aware of his leaflets .

In the 1970s, Röder came across astrology. It rounded off his holistic worldview. He operated astrology like a science and in this role became known beyond Würzburg. The issuing of horoscopes had a financially positive effect on Ludwig Röder's simple life.

Ludwig Röder was married to Sophie from 1942 to 1951. The daughter Irmgard Röder emerged from the marriage in 1943. In 1947, Ludwig Röder met the Würzburg painter Rita Kuhn . The two maintained a close friendship until Röder's death. Rita Kuhn looked after his estate, which is now in the Würzburg City Archives.

A poem typical of Ludwig Röder's style from the self-published volume of poetry "Lichtspur" from 1982:

" Altes Tor

nobody asks
about your time
you stand at the entrance to the world
no shepherd counts the hours
present future
in space without a pointer "


Röder was only known nationwide as an astrologer. His literature - largely unpublished or published in alternative small publishers - has strong expressionist traits and never caught up with the freer, more experimental language of the 1960s.

Ludwig Röder was a pacifist without political ties and came into conflict with both the National Socialists and the Catholic Church and - after the Second World War - the Bavarian school system.


  • Light trail. Poems. Self-published in association with the alternative literary magazine Die Gießkanne Würzburg 1982.
  • Not a day goes by in vain. Poems. Contessa Verlag, Güntersleben 2003.
  • The demon and the girl, or Malo's tower theater. A theatrical novel. Publishing house JH Röll, Dettelbach 2003.


  • Wilfrid Lutz: Ludwig Röder - Im Strudel der Zeit Verlag JH Röll, Dettelbach 2009.

Individual evidence

  1. Herbert Schott: The Americans as an Occupying Power in Würzburg (1945-1949) , Friends of Mainfränkischer Kunst und Geschichte, Würzburg 1985, p. 129
  2. ^ Ludwig Röder , literature portal Bavaria