Luis Subercaseaux Errázuriz

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Luis Subercaseaux Errázuriz (born May 10, 1882 in Santiago de Chile , † 1973 ) was a Chilean diplomat , athlete and football player.


Luis Subercaseaux was born as the second son of six children of the diplomat and painter Ramón Subercaseaux Vicuña and his wife Amalia Errázuriz Urmeneta . He studied at the Colegio Benedictino in the French part of the Basque Country . As Ambassador of Chile, Subercaseaux was active in Spain and Peru. He was married to Margarita Donoso Foster and had five children with her.

He was one of the founding members of CD Santiago Morning and a successful soccer player. At the Summer Olympics in 1896 , Subercaseaux took part in the runs over 100 , 400 and 800 meters , making him the first South American Olympian.

Individual evidence

  1. a b GENEALOGIA DE LA FAMILIASUBERCASEAUX. Retrieved March 19, 2020 (Spanish).
  2. PIERRE DE COUBERTIN - EL BARON DEL DEPORTE. Retrieved March 19, 2020 (Spanish).