Lutz Koehler

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Lutz Köhlert (born September 20, 1927 in Falkensee ; † November 27, 2012 ) was a German director , screenwriter and university lecturer.


Lutz Köhlert worked as a screenwriter and director, mainly in the 1960s and 1970s, for television in the GDR . In some of his often propaganda films, he worked with Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler as a co-author.

Köhlert taught from 1967 until his retirement in 1991 as a professor at the University of Film and Television "Konrad Wolf" in Potsdam, where he was rector from July 1969 to March 1973.

His grave is in the forest cemetery in Kleinmachnow .


  • 1959: Das Stacheltier - sensation in Glückstal (director, screenplay)
  • 1960: Das Stacheltier - The Ballad of Free Friederich (Director, Screenplay)
  • 1961: Doctors (director)
  • 1962: People and Animals (co-director)
  • 1963: Humphrey George (Director, Screenplay)
  • 1963: The Robber Gang (director, screenplay)
  • 1965: Deep Furchen (director, screenplay)
  • 1966: The president is offended (director, screenplay)
  • 1967: The Valley of the Seven Moons (screenplay)
  • 1975: The poor rich man, Hubert B (director, screenplay)
  • 1976: Don't close my eyes (director, screenplay)
  • 1979: The Last Hours of Radio Magellanes (Director, Screenplay)
  • 1980: Our explosives were leaflets (direction, screenplay)
  • 1982: General ade - a conversation with Gert Bastian (co-director)

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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Obituary notice of the family, Berliner Zeitung from 8./9. December 2012, p. 13