Lyn gold color

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Lyn Goldfarb , also Lynn H. Goldfarb , (born January 1, 1950 in the United States ) is an American documentary filmmaker (director, producer, screenwriter).

Live and act

Lyn Goldfarb grew up in the San Fernando Valley , majored in history and graduated with a Masters in Women's Studies. Then the cinema enthusiast turned to the documentary and in 1979 presented a documentary about a long sit-in strike at General Motors in Flint (Michigan) from December 1936 to February 1937, with the aim of improving working conditions and wages. The film was named "With Babies and Banners" and earned Goldfarb and fellow producers Anne Bohlen and Lorraine Gray an Oscar nomination for Best Full-Length Documentary . The film received widespread national recognition and was also shown on US television.

Nevertheless, Lyn Goldfarb could not continue working as a filmmaker for the entire following decade and did not present her next work until the beginning of the 1990s. Her most important socially committed works dealt with US sensitivities and recapitulated former major events such as the Great Depression since 1929 as well as historical world events long ago (The First World War with The Great War , Japan's samurai period in Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire or Ancient Rome in The Roman Empire of the First Century ). Two of her last documentaries returned to the more recent Californian present, revealing as yet unknown stories about Los Angeles and its first black mayor, Tom Bradley : "Bridging the Divide: Tom Bradley and the Politics of Race" and "The New Los Angeles" . Goldfarb also produced Tom Bradley's Impossible Dream for high school classes.

Lyn Goldfarb has also made short documentaries for museums, exhibitions, and non-profit organizations such as the J. Paul Getty Museum , the American Association of Museums, and the Guadalajara International Book Exhibition. Goldfarb documentaries have won numerous awards, including two Emmys , a George Foster Peabody Award , two du-Pont Columbia Awards , a Golden Mike, a CINE Golden Eagle, three bronze Telly Awards, a Blue Ribbon and an Emily Grand Prize at the American Film festival. Her films were shown at film festivals in Mannheim, New York, the Telluride Film Festival , the Oakland International Film Festival, the San Francisco Black Film Festival, the San Fernando Valley International Film Festival; the San Francisco Laboratory Festival, the Nosotros American Latino Film Festival, the Pan African Film Festival, the Women's International Film Festival in Miami, the Latino Film Festival of San Diego, the Festival Internacional de Cine of Monterrey, the Aluta International Film Festival in South Africa and in London.

Filmography (selection)

Direction / production / script

  • 1978: With baby and Banner ( With Babies and Banners: Stories of the Women's Emergency Brigade )
  • 1991: Danger: Kids at Work
  • 1991: A Taste of Freedom
  • 1993: The Great Depression
  • 1994: From the Heart
  • 1995: People in Motion: Ways to Move
  • 1996: The Great War and the Shaping of the Century
  • 1996: People in Motion: Without Barriers and Borders
  • 2001: Empires: The Roman Empire of the First Century
  • 2004: Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire
  • 2006: The New Los Angeles
  • 2009: LA Working
  • 2013: Tom Bradley's Impossible Dream
  • 2015: Bridging the Divide: Tom Bradley and the Politics of Race

Individual evidence

  1. Date of birth on

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