Fairy tale pictures (Schumann)

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The fairy tale pictures for piano and viola op. 113 are a composition by Robert Schumann .


The work probably goes back to the four-part poem Märchenbilder , which the Berlin poet Louis du Rieux sent to Schumann on February 19, 1851, combined with the request to choose the verse as a model for a “sonata”. Schumann's reaction was positive, on February 21st he replied to the poet that he should “send him more”, but that was not done. The work was written shortly afterwards, between March 1st and 4th, 1851, and was published in June / July 1852 by the Kassel publishing house Carl Luckhardt , who had already published Schumann's Fantasiestücke Op. 73 and his Five Pieces in Folk Tone Op. 102 .

The first performance took place on November 12, 1853 as part of a soiree by Clara Schumann in the hall of the hotel "Zum golden Stern" on Bonn's market square . The viola part was played by Wilhelm Joseph von Wasielewski , the recipient of the dedication to the work and later Schumann's biographer.

The cycle, consisting of four lyrical character pieces , is one of the few original compositions for viola and piano .

Sentence names

  1. Not fast
    3/4 time , key: D minor
  2. Lively
    2/4 time, key: F major
  3. Rasch
    2/4 time, key: D minor
  4. Slowly, with a melancholy expression,
    3/8 time, key: D major


  • Margit L. McCorkle : Robert Schumann. Thematic-bibliographical catalog of works . Munich / Mainz 2003, p. 160
  • Klaus Martin Kopitz , Torsten Oltrogge: A poet named Louis du Rieux and Schumann's “Märchenbilder” op. 113. Approaching a mysterious admirer of the composer . In: Thoughts. Journal of the Saxon Academy of Sciences , Issue 11, 2013, pp. 112–140, klaus-martin-kopitz.de (PDF)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Robert Schumann: Diaries , Volume 3, ed. by Gerd Nauhaus . Leipzig 1982, pp. 554-556