F major

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F major
Chord symbol (s) : F.
Parallel Tone : D minor
Dominant : C major
Subdominant : B flat major
Scale : f - g - a ^ b - c - d - e ^ f

F-Dur is a key of the musical scale major based on the fundamental f builds. The key of F major is written with a in musical notation (b). The corresponding scale and the basic chord of this key (the tonic fac) are also denoted by the term F major.

Accident in F major C.D.E.F.GA.HC.D.E.F.GA.HKey4border.png

Traditionally, F major is considered to be the “pastoral key”, as many woodwind instruments have always had an F as the keynote and were associated with the shepherds.

F major is often described as a little less bright and clear than C major , but compare the entry key character .

Classification of the key

Keys and their accidentals
Sign : 7 + fes
C-flat-major a-flat-minor.svg
6 + ces
G-flat-major e-flat-minor.svg
5 + total
D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg
4 + des
A-flat-major f-minor.svg
3 + as
E-flat-major c-minor.svg
2 + es
B-flat-major g-minor.svg
1 b
F-major d-minor.svg
0 /
C-major a-minor.svg
1 f sharp
G-major e-minor.svg
2 + c sharp
D-major h-minor.svg
3 + g sharp
A-major f-sharp-minor.svg
4 + dis
E-major c-sharp-minor.svg
5 + ais
B-major g-sharp-minor.svg
6 + ice
F-sharp-major d-sharp-minor.svg
7 + his
C-sharp-major a-sharp-minor.svg
Major keys: Ces Ges Of As It B. F. C. G D. A. E. H F sharp Cis
Minor keys: as it b f c G d a e H f sharp cis g sharp dis ais