E flat minor

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E flat minor
Chord symbol (s) : es, E m, E m
Parallel Tone : Ges
Dominant : B flat major / B flat minor
Subdominant : a flat minor
Natural minor scale : es - f ^ ges - as - b ^ ces - des - es
Harmonic minor scale: es - f ^ ges - as - b ^ ces - d ^ es
Melodic minor scale: es - f ^ ges - as - b - c - d ^ es

es - des - ces ^ b - as - ges ^ f - es

Minor it is a key of the musical scale minor based on the root note it builds. The key it is minor in the notation with six written (b, it, as, the, ges, ces). The corresponding scale and the basic chord of this key (the tonic E-flat-flat-flat) are also referred to by the term E flat minor.

E flat minor sign C.D.E.F.GA.HC.D.E.F.GA.HKey4border.png

Classification of the key

Keys and their accidentals
Sign : 7 + fes
C-flat-major a-flat-minor.svg
6 + ces
G-flat-major e-flat-minor.svg
5 + total
D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg
4 + des
A-flat-major f-minor.svg
3 + as
E-flat-major c-minor.svg
2 + es
B-flat-major g-minor.svg
1 b
F-major d-minor.svg
0 /
C-major a-minor.svg
1 f sharp
G-major e-minor.svg
2 + c sharp
D-major h-minor.svg
3 + g sharp
A-major f-sharp-minor.svg
4 + dis
E-major c-sharp-minor.svg
5 + ais
B-major g-sharp-minor.svg
6 + ice
F-sharp-major d-sharp-minor.svg
7 + his
C-sharp-major a-sharp-minor.svg
Major keys: Ces Ges Of As It B. F. C. G D. A. E. H F sharp Cis
Minor keys: as it b f c G d a e H f sharp cis g sharp dis ais