C flat major

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C flat major
Chord symbol (s) : Ces, C , C
Parallel Tone : a flat minor
Dominant : G flat major
Subdominant : Fes major
Scale : ces - des - es ^ fes - ges - as - b ^ ces

Ces-Dur is a key of the musical scale major based on the fundamental building Ces. The tone flat major is in the musical notation with seven written (b, it, as, of, ges, ces, fes). The corresponding scale and the basic chord of this key (the tonic ces-es-ges) are also referred to by the term C flat major.

Accidental C flat major C.D.E.F.GA.HC.D.E.F.GA.HKey4border.png

Because of the seven accidentals (one could represent C flat major -  enharmonically reinterpreted - more simply with B major ) this key is rarely used.

Instruments in ces

In marching bands valveless Flutes are in soprano and tenor in Ces ( " drum pipes used"). In addition to the concert flute in CES, the concert flute in C is becoming increasingly important.

The double pedal harp is tuned in Cés. Since every string can be retuned twice with the pedal mechanism, every key can be played. In addition, the harp sounds better in keys with many -signs, some composers use this effect and note pieces in C flat major instead of B major (e.g. Claude Debussy : Sonata for flute, viola and harp).

Web links

Wiktionary: C flat major  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Classification of the key

Keys and their accidentals
Sign : 7 + fes
C-flat-major a-flat-minor.svg
6 + ces
G-flat-major e-flat-minor.svg
5 + total
D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg
4 + des
A-flat-major f-minor.svg
3 + as
E-flat-major c-minor.svg
2 + es
B-flat-major g-minor.svg
1 b
F-major d-minor.svg
0 /
C-major a-minor.svg
1 f sharp
G-major e-minor.svg
2 + c sharp
D-major h-minor.svg
3 + g sharp
A-major f-sharp-minor.svg
4 + dis
E-major c-sharp-minor.svg
5 + ais
B-major g-sharp-minor.svg
6 + ice
F-sharp-major d-sharp-minor.svg
7 + his
C-sharp-major a-sharp-minor.svg
Major keys: Ces Ges Of As It B. F. C. G D. A. E. H F sharp Cis
Minor keys: as it b f c G d a e H f sharp cis g sharp dis ais