M. Night Shaym Aliens!

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Episode of the series Rick and Morty
title M. Night Shaym Aliens!
Original title M. Night Shaym Aliens!
Country of production United States
original language English
classification Season 1, episode 4
4th episode in total ( list )
First broadcast January 13th, 2014 on Adult Swim
first broadcast
December 21, 2014 on TNT Series
Director Jeff Myers
script Tom Kauffman
music Ryan Elder
cut Lee Harting
Guest appearance (s)

←  Predecessor
Anatomy Park

Successor  →
The Fantastic Mr. Meeseeks

M. Night Shaym Aliens! is the fourth episode of the first season of the animated series Rick and Morty . It was written by Tom Kauffman while Jeff Myers directed. The episode was first broadcast on January 13, 2014 on Adult Swim, the German first broadcast on December 21, 2014 on TNT Serie.


Rick is in the process of experimenting with a dead rat when Morty comes to visit him in the garage and says what a great day it is. His grandfather reacts in an unusually uncynical way and his mother also behaves strangely when she leaves for work, speaking robotically and repeating her sentences as if in loops. Morty then leaves for school.

At school, the math teacher Mr. Goldenfold asks to know the result of multiplying 5 and 9. When he asks Morty about the result and Morty answers with "at least 40", he is asked to go to the front of the board to the cheers of his classmates and from then on he is supposed to lead the lesson himself. Rick has meanwhile arrived at the school and is watching the scenario through the window. After Mr. Goldenfold asks Morty to teach the class, a classmate asks how to make concentrated dark matter . Morty is confused about the question and Mr. Goldenfold adds that it is the basis for hyperspace travel in space. He is also confused by Jessica, who promises to be his girlfriend if he reveals the recipe. Thereupon Rick bursts into the classroom, pulls his grandson out of the room and drags him into the changing room of the gym. There he immediately takes off his clothes and turns on the showers saying that Morty must trust him. Morty says he gets a bad grade, but Rick gives him to understand that none of this is real and that they are just trapped in a simulation on a Zygerion spaceship. Rick could only talk about this in the shower with his grandson, as they are not monitored by the aliens there, as they cannot stand the mere sight of human nudity. According to Rick, they are the most ambitious and incompetent impostors in the galaxy.

On the spaceship, meanwhile, it turns out that the sight of human nakedness actually disturbs the zygerions because they cannot keep their eyes on the screens. They argue over who should be responsible for checking that the two are still naked. One of the aliens finally notices that Morty's father Jerry is also trapped in the simulator, which should be avoided. However, after they find out that this is Rick's son-in-law, they leave him in the simulation, but throttle the processing power of the simulation to a minimum. Jerry works in the advertising industry and that day is about to make an important presentation of an apple advertising campaign without knowing that he is just trapped in a simulation.

Meanwhile, Rick and Morty are walking through the streets naked and Rick tries to make it clear to his grandson that this world cannot be real. Morty is initially not impressed by the fact that a person puts a hot dog bun between two hot dog sausages, and neither does the old woman who walks her cat. It is only when Rick shows him a pop-tart who lives in a toaster and gets into a smaller toaster as a vehicle that Morty is convinced that he is not in the real world. As a result, Morty wants to know what the aliens want from his grandfather. After an ambulance with the US President on board appears in the simulation and concentrated dark matter is the only possible rescue according to the emergency doctors, Morty finally realizes that the aliens want to coax the recipe for dark matter from Rick. He slams the ambulance door angrily and explains to his grandson that dark matter is the basis for fast travel through space and that the zygerions are constantly trying to obtain his research results. According to Rick, however, they made the critical mistake of dragging Morty into it and he plans to defraud the scammers.

Meanwhile, Jerry is in a meeting to present his campaign. Because of his excitement and insecurity, he gets bogged down before he reveals the campaign slogan “Hunger for apples”, which is not noticed by those present due to the reduced performance of his simulation. When asked whether he agrees with the business partner, they all answer, as if in unison, with yes. The idea is bought and Jerry leaves the company in a good mood. Out on the street, he calls Beth, who still speaks and acts like a robot, and tells her that despite her doubts, he has sold the campaign and wants to go to her home to have sex with her.

In the meantime, Rick has come up with a plan to outsmart the aliens, for which he wants to make an appearance with Morty, now fully clothed again, in front of a large crowd. However, the place in front of the stage is not very crowded and Rick thinks that in front of so little audience the recipe for dark matter cannot be performed as rap. The aliens then send more people in front of the stage in the simulation, who are full of enthusiasm for the performance. Rick begins by giving those present various tasks to perform. Meanwhile, Jerry arrives at home and immediately attacks Beth, who is still standing frozen on the phone. Rick succeeds in bringing about a system crash of the simulation by performing the most difficult tasks for the audience and he and Morty escape from the simulation. In the meantime, Jerry has slept with Beth, who still doesn't move, but bursts into tears because he thinks he doesn't deserve this quality of intercourse and sees himself as a fraud. Rick and Morty reach the edge of the simulation, which normally appears like a treadmill in front of you and disappears behind you, but hangs due to the crash, so they can escape from the simulation and land on the ship of the zygerions. However, they expected the escape and believe that everything would go according to plan.

On board the ship, Rick explains to his grandson that they can trick the aliens if they can find the data center. In a special room they collect processors in the form of crystals. With the crystals they can escape from the ship in a pod. Meanwhile, Jerry visits his boss, Mr. Marklevitz, to tell him that he doesn't deserve the campaign, as the apple campaign is just a copy of the milk commercial. However, due to the simulation, his boss can only comment on each of his statements with the word “yes”, which causes Jerry to burst into tears again and he offers to vacate his office himself. However, he pulls himself together as a result and confronts his boss with the fact that he does not regard the slogan only as a copy and instead of being fired, demands to be promoted and, moreover, the award of a prize for apple advertising campaigns.

Meanwhile, Rick and Morty arrive at home and Rick announces that they will be doing great research through the processors. He tries to open his safe to hide the crystals inside. After he entered the code incorrectly twice, contrary to his claim, the Zygerions reveal that they kept Rick and Morty trapped in a simulation and now know the code for his safe. So Rick and Morty never left the ship. Prince Nebulon tells Rick that the Zygerions have long known how to make dark matter, but that they now have access to the contents of Rick's safe. He tells his people to grab Rick and Morty, but the former pulls Morty's pants down with presence of mind, which distracts the aliens and the two can flee. Meanwhile, Jerry was awarded his prize, but at the time when he was removed from the simulation and landed on the ship. Rick and Morty run into him on their escape. Together they walk through the ship and pass various departments, such as the design department for the simulations. They reach a small ship with which they flee. However, they are chased by hunters, which shows Rick that the aliens can actually create dark matter. After Morty says that Rick can also manufacture dark matter, he sends Morty to the engine room, where he is supposed to get cesium , plutonium quartz and a bottle of water. In fact, Morty finds all of this and is now supposed to pour it together in a bucket and pour it into the tank. However, Morty freezes and it becomes clear they are trapped in yet another simulation. The Zygerions did not know the recipe for dark matter and are now triumphant because they believe they have elicited the recipe from him in this way. Morty is completely removed from the simulation and Rick is allowed to leave the ship in a pod together with Jerry. The latter is in mourning that the most successful day of his life was just part of a simulation. However, Jerry states that Rick was put in just like him. Meanwhile, on the ship, the zygerions celebrate their intelligence and want to try out the recipe. However, Rick got ahead of them and with the three ingredients actually revealed the contents of a bomb that destroyed the entire ship of the Zygerions after the explosion.

In a scene after the credits this time, Jerry presents his apple campaign in the real world, which, unlike in the simulation, is not received positively and he is fired.

useful information

  • The title of the episode is a reference to the director M. Night Shyamalan , who builds regular twists into the stories in his films.
  • The episode is accompanied by the legendary saxophone solo from Gerry Rafferty's song Baker Street . This is how it goes when Jerry sold his first advertising campaign beaming with joy and also during the credits after Rick hums the melody in the episode.

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