mOcean OTonVerlag

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The mOcean OTonVerlag is an audio book publisher , founded in 2003 by the publisher Robert Galitz, who has been managing the Dölling und Galitz Verlag in Hamburg and Munich since 1987 , and the publicist and radio author Kurt Kreiler .


The publisher has built up a wide range of audio books in the fields of literature and science. According to the publisher's name, mOcean produces large editions that are as complete as possible, which are preferably developed from “original notes” such as author readings, lectures, speeches and conversations. The audio book publisher works with several partners in sales and production, including the weekly newspaper Die Zeit and the two-thousand-one publishing house.


  • German audio book award 2009 together with two thousand and one in the category "Best Publishing Achievement"
  • Prize of the German Record Critics 2008 together with two thousand and one for "Elsa Sophia Kamphoevener - The Laughing of Shehezerade" and 2005 for "Gottfried Benn: Das Hörwerk 1928-1956"
  • Hessischer Rundfunk's best list of audio books : March 2008 together with two thousand and one for "Kurt Schwitters - Urwerk"; Audio book of the year 2004: together with two thousand and one: "Gottfried Benn - Hörwerk".

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