Maciej Stryjkowski

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Maciej Stryjkowski

Maciej Stryjkowski ( Latin : Matys Strycovius ; pseudonym: Osostevitius ; * 1547 in Stryków ; † 1593 ) was a Polish poet and historian, diplomat and priest, who made Lithuania his home.


In the years 1567–1570 he studied at the Academy in Cracow . He served in the army under the command of Alexander Guagnini . In the years 1574-1575 he was envoy to Turkey , together with A. Tarnowski. In 1579 he was ordained a chaplain and became a canon in Miedniki and a priest in Georgenburg .

Stryjkowski learned the Lithuanian and Russian languages and researched the history of the country through personal visits to historical places. Although he was born in Mazovia , he deplored the Polish patronizing of Lithuania.


  • Kronika Polska, Litewska, Żmudzka i wszystkiej Rusi - Chronicle of Poland, Lithuania and all of Russia (published in Königsberg in 1582, published in 1846)
  • Goniec cnoty (Cracow 1574) - genealogical poem about the Polish and Lithuanian rulers
  • Sarmatiae Europeae Descriptio (1578) - historical and geographical work, edited by Alexander Guagnini

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Chronicle of Poland, Lithuania and all of Russia, 1582 Königsberg