Macrianus Minor

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Aureus of Macrianus

Titus Fulvius Iunius Macrianus († 261) was a Roman counter-emperor .

Macrianus was the elder son of the commander Fulvius Macrianus . His mother was of noble origin, her name was probably Julia. In 260, after the capture of Emperor Valerian by the Sassanids , he and his younger brother Quietus were made emperor with the support of his father and Ballistas , who, according to the historia Augusta, was praetorian prefect Valerian .

Macrianus and his father marched west with their army to fight the legitimate Emperor Gallienus . In the spring of 261 the two Macriani were defeated by Aureolus in a battle in Thrace and both were killed.


  • Udo Hartmann : The Palmyrene Partial Kingdom. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 2001, pp. 143f.

Web links

Commons : Macrianus Minor  - album with pictures, videos and audio files