Macrophya duodecimpunctata

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Macrophya duodecimpunctata
Macrophya duodecimpunctata, female

Macrophya duodecimpunctata , female

Family : Sawfly (Tenthredinidae)
Subfamily : Tenthredininae
Tribe : Macrophyini
Genre : Macrophya
Subgenus : Macrophya
Type : Macrophya duodecimpunctata
Scientific name
Macrophya duodecimpunctata
( Linnaeus , 1758)
Macrophya duodecimpunctata , female

Macrophya (Macrophya) duodecimpunctata is a plant wasp from the family of sawfly (Tenthredinidae).


The plant wasps reach a body length of 10-11 mm. They are mostly black. The sexes differ in color and pattern.

The female's mouthparts are white. There is a white spot on each side of the pronotum. The scutellum is colored white. The wings are brownish transparent. The 5th and 6th tergites each have a white spot on the side. There is another white spot at the end of the abdomen . The outer side of the tibia (splints) of the two front pairs of legs is white. In the rear pair of legs, only the apical area of ​​the outer side of the tibia is white. The coxa of the rear pair of legs show a larger white spot.

In the male, the head, pronotum and scutellum are largely black. Furthermore, in contrast to the female, there is only a small white spot on the tibia of the rear pair of legs.


The species occurs in the Palearctic . It is widespread in Europe. The species is also found in the British Isles. In the east, the distribution area extends to the Far East .

Way of life

The sawfly fly from May to July. They are often found in meadows. The larvae feed on the leaves of sour grass (Cyperaceae) and sweet grass (Poaceae).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Macrophya duodecimpunctata F Tenthrèdes (suite ...) . Retrieved June 3, 2017.
  2. a b c d e Macrophya duodecimpunctata . Retrieved June 3, 2017.
  3. a b c d e INSECTES14-3 . Retrieved June 3, 2017.
  4. Macrophya duodecimpunctata F Macrophya duodecimpunctata? . Retrieved June 3, 2017.

Web links

Commons : Macrophya duodecimpunctata  - collection of images, videos and audio files