Magda Aelvoet

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Magdalena "Magda" Godelieve Hilda Aelvoet (born April 4, 1944 in Steenokkerzeel , Flemish Brabant , Belgium ) is a former Belgian politician of AGALEV .


After attending school, she studied German and obtained the academic degree candidate . She finished her studies in political and social science at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven with a licentiate .

She began her political career in 1985 as a candidate for the ecological party AGALEV, when she was elected senator . After six years of membership in the Senate, she was a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1991 to 1995 . In 1994 she was elected a member of the 4th European Parliament and was a member until 1999.

For her political merits, especially during the fourth Belgian state reform in 1993, she was awarded the honorary title of Minister of State on January 30, 1995 , and thus membership in the Privy Council .

After leaving the European Parliament , she was appointed by Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt to his multi-party coalition government in July 1999 and became Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Consumer Protection, Public Health and the Environment in his first cabinet . In protest against Belgian arms deliveries to Nepal , she resigned prematurely from these offices on August 28, 2002 and was replaced by her fellow party member Jef Tavernier .

In the parliamentary elections in May 2003, in which AGALEV suffered a dramatic loss of votes, it suffered a defeat and did not win a seat in the Chamber of Deputies. In the following period she was a member of the municipal council of Leuven and finally withdrew from political life in September 2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. RP-ONLINE: Rifles delivered to Nepal. Belgium: Green Minister resigned after arms deal (August 27, 2002)  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /