Magdalene flood 1480

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The Magdalen flood of 1480 was a devastating flood catastrophe that hit the area around the Aare and Rhine as well as other rivers in the Swiss plateau and Upper Rhine area in July 1480 .


As with other extreme flood events , such as the Magdalen flood in 1342 , the Oder flood in 1997 , the Elbe flood in 2002 or the flood in Central Europe in 2013 , the flood was probably triggered by a Vb weather situation . After the water level in the rivers was already very high due to long rain in May and June, hot days followed in early summer, which caused intense snowmelt. In mid-July came a heavy rain (according to the Bern Chronicle of Diebold Schilling rained three days continuously in streams), which led to the flooding.


The beginning of the flood for the Bernese Oberland and Freiburg im Üechtland is to be set for July 21st. In Bern, the Aare burst its banks in the Matte district and in the Marzili on July 22nd - in the night of July 23rd - and flooded the streets, gardens and apartments. The high water in Basel was on July 24th.


According to the chronicles, all Aare and Rhine bridges between Bern and Strasbourg were partially or completely destroyed.


  • Diebold Schilling: Bern Chronicle. (Ed. Gustav Tobler, 1896).
  • Silvia Zehnder-Jörg: The Great Freiburg Chronicle of Franz Rudella, Friborg 2007
  • Iso Himmelsbach: Experience - Mentality - Management: Floods and flood protection on the non-navigable rivers in Upper Alsace and the Upper Rhine (1480–2007).

Individual evidence

  1. Himmelsbach, p. 89
  2. Himmelsbach, p. 91