Magdeburg transport company

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Magdeburger Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH & Co. KG
Magdeburg transport company logo
Basic information
Company headquarters Magdeburg
Web presence official page
Reference year 2012
Supervisory board Klaus Zimmermann


Managing directors Birgit Münster-Rendel
Operations management Michael Prince
Transport network Magdeburg regional transport association
Employee 761 (thereof 34 trainees)
sales € 31.5 milliondep1
Gauge 1,435 mm
tram 9 (8 permanent lines + 1 amplifier line)
bus 24 (15 day / 9 night)
Other lines 15; 41; 42; 43;
number of vehicles
Tram cars 95 total
83 NGT8D
6 Tatra B6A2M

4 Tatra T6A2
2 Tatra B6A2

8 Tatra KT4

Omnibuses 59 A total of
30 articulated buses
26 standard
2 minibuses 2 double-decker buses
other vehicles 8 work cars
4 work trailers
8 Hist. Railcar
6 Hist. Sidecar
various horse-drawn tram cars
Passengers 58.5 million
Mileage 9.1 million km
Catchment area 201 km²
Residents in the
catchment area
0.231 million
Operating facilities
Depots 3 (North, Southeast, Kroatenwuhne)
main workshop in Brückfeld,
historical depot in Sudenburg
Other operating facilities 6 sales outlets
69 sales
agencies 194 machines (150 mobile, 44 stationary)

The Magdeburg transport company (short MVB ) is a near transport companies in Magdeburg . It operates a 126.9-kilometer-long track network on which nine tram lines and 15 city ​​bus routes (two tram routes and seven night bus routes in night traffic ) operate. In August 2016, the company operated 94 trams (including eleven sidecars) and 59 buses (including 30 articulated buses ).

The company has three depots (tram: north , south-east ; bus: Kroatenwuhne). There is also a main tram workshop in Brückfeld and a historic tram depot in Sudenburg .


Share of the Magdeburger Strassen-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft dated January 1st, 1900

From 1877 the Magdeburg Horse Railway Company opened up to three lines in a north-south direction. The offer was not extended to the western and eastern parts of the city because the city's conditions for the construction of the route were not accepted. For this reason, these routes are being opened by the newly founded Magdeburge Trambahn-Actien-Gesellschaft . Between 1886 and 1900 a steam tram ran to the Herrenkrug. Both companies are merged in 1897 and with the beginning of the electrification of all routes, the Magdeburger Straßen-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (MSEG) is founded as the successor company.

To develop remote parts of the city and the city of Schönebeck , Magdeburger Vorortbahnen AG was founded in 1912 , but the line did not start operating until 1921 due to the turmoil of the First World War. As early as 1923 the administration was merged with the MSEG. The two companies only finally merged after the Second World War.

The first bus routes were set up in 1929 to open up other parts of the city with a not very high passenger potential. Like many German cities, Magdeburg suffered severe destruction at the end of the war in 1945, and the following years did not bring about any major modernization of the facilities or vehicle fleet due to the poor supply situation. Some routes in the old town and old new town were not put back into operation.

After the MSEG was renamed Magdeburger Straßenbahn-AG in 1938 , it was converted into VEB (K) Magdeburger Verkehrsbetriebe (MVB) in 1951 . After forty years of state-owned operation, the Verkehrsbetriebe became a joint stock company again in 1991 . From this the current GmbH was created in 1999 .

From the mid-1960s, various routes were discontinued - usually with the changeover to bus operation. Due to the sharp rise in oil prices in the mid-1970s and early 80s, as well as the construction of large prefabricated building areas, the Magdeburg tramway was greatly expanded from 1975 onwards. Numerous bus routes have been replaced by trams or shut down without replacement. Between 1983 and 1989 there was even a freight transport of cars in order to save fuel.

In 2006, two bus routes were awarded to Verkehrsgesellschaft Magdeburg Umland mbH, one company half owned by MVB and half by Vetter GmbH . The buses remained the property of MVB and were rented out for this purpose. The wholly-owned subsidiary Magdeburger Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH was founded on January 1, 2007 to expand outsourcing . Since then, this has taken over individual courses on the other bus routes. On January 1, 2008, the company's operations were terminated.

MVB route network map

During the floods in Central Europe in 2013 , the northern depot in Rothensee was flooded. The second large depot in the south-east in Westerhüsen was also not accessible because the tracks there were flooded. The trams had been brought into the city area on time. The Südring, Westring and Europaring section served as a parking space and for minor maintenance work at night. It was not until the summer of 2014 that the Rothensee section of the route, in which the northern depot is located, was at least temporarily put back into operation.

Daytime traffic

Since the major timetable and line network change on July 13, 2015, the Magdeburg daily timetable has been in effect for fifteen bus and nine tram lines on weekdays from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. On Sundays, daytime traffic doesn't start until 7 a.m. The two ferry lines Buckau and Westerhüsen ferry lines also belong to the daytime traffic.

Tram stop at Hasselbachplatz


line Route Travel time Stops Tact Remarks / Notes
1 Ikea - Kastanienstraße - S Bf. Neustadt - University - Opera House - Alter Markt - East Central Station - Damaschkeplatz / ZOB - Olvenstedter Platz - Europaring - Westring - Südring - Sudenburg not yet known 33 10 mins valid from 08/27/2020
2 Alte Neustadt - Agnetenstrasse - Opera House - Alter Markt - Hasselbachplatz - Warschauer Strasse - Buckau (waterworks) - SKL - Salbker Platz - Westerhüsen (depot) not yet known 32 10 mins valid from 08/27/2020
3 Klinikum Olvenstedt - Am Stern - Olvenstedter Platz - Damaschkeplatz / ZOB - Central Station East - Public Transport - Hasselbachplatz - Südring - Wiener Straße - Leipziger Chaussee not yet known 28 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
4th Klinikum Olvenstedt - Am Stern - Olvenstedter Platz - Damaschkeplatz / ZOB - Central Station East - Allee Center - Cracau not yet known 22nd 10 mins valid from 08/27/2020
5 Klinikum Olvenstedt - Am Stern - Europaring - Westring - Südring - Wiener Straße - Leipziger Straße - Hasselbachplatz - Alter Markt - Opera House - Exhibition Grounds / Elbauenpark not yet known 32 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
6th Diesdorf - Westring - Europaring - Olvenstedter Platz - Damaschkeplatz / ZOB - Central Station East - Allee Center - Arenas - Exhibition grounds / Elbauenpark - University of Applied Sciences - Herrenkrug not yet known 25th 10 mins valid from 08/27/2020
8th Neustädter See - Kastanienstraße - S Bf.Neustadt - University - Opera House - Alter Markt - Transport Company - Hasselbachplatz - Warschauer Straße - Buckau (waterworks) - SKL - Salbker Platz - Westerhüsen (depot) not yet known 37 Single trips valid from 08/27/2020
9 Neustädter See - Kastanienstraße - S Bf. Neustadt - University - Opera House - Old Market - Hasselbachplatz - Leipziger Straße - Leipziger Chaussee - Airfield / Technical Aid Organization - Bördepark Ost - Reform not yet known 35 10 mins valid from 08/27/2020
10 Barleber See - Rothensee - North Depot - S Eichenweiler Station - Kastanienstraße - S Neustadt Station - University - Opera House - Alter Markt - Transport Company - Hasselbachplatz - Südring - Sudenburg not yet known 33 10 mins valid from 08/27/2020


line Route Travel time Stops Tact Remarks / Notes
51 Exhibition grounds / Elbauenpark - (arenas) - An der Laake - Friedensweiler - Heyrothsberge Biederitzer Straße - Biederitz (Weidenring) not yet known 12 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
52 Kastanienstraße - Flora Park - Lorenzweg - Wilhelmstädter Platz - Arndtstraße - (slaughterhouse) - Südring - Freie Straße - Warschauer Straße - Porsestraße <-> change with line 54 not yet known 24 10 mins valid from 08/27/2020
53 Sudenburg - Goethe Park - Pear Garden - Sonnenanger - Hängelsbreite - Eichplatz not yet known 11 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
54 <-> Change with line 52 Porsestraße - Freie Straße - Südring - Sudenburg - Goethe Park - (Birnengarten) - (Sonnenanger) - (Hängelsbreite) - Eichplatz - Werner von Siemens Ring - Bördepark Ost - Bördepark West <-> partly change with line 66 not yet known 27 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
55 <-> Change with line 57 Sudenburg - Otto Richter Straße - conveyor system construction - Sudenburg station - Südring - Sudenburg <-> change with line 57 not yet known 13 20 minutes valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ Sudenburg ring traffic
56 Cracau - Pechau - Calenberge - Randau not yet known 10 60 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
57 <-> Change with line 55 Sudenburg - Hansa Park - Bodestrasse - Kirschweg - (Werner Seelenbinder Strasse) - S Bf.Sket Industriepark - Buckau (waterworks) not yet known 16 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
58 Sudenburg - Hansa Park - Bodestrasse - Kirschweg - (Werner Seelenbinder Strasse) - Center for Health Professions - Salbker Platz - SKL not yet known 23 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
59 ZOB - Hasselbachplatz - City Hall - City Park not yet known 9 Single trips valid from 08/27/2020
61 <-> Change with line 72 Diesdorf - conveyor system construction - Fichtestrasse - Sudenburg - (Friedenshöhe) not yet known 14th 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
66 Westerhüsen (depot) - Sohlen - Beyendorf - (Werner Seelenbinder Straße) - Bördepark Ost - Bördepark West <-> partly change with line 54 not yet


17th 60 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
69 Kannenstieg - Milchweg - Kastanienstraße - Am Stadtblick - S Neustadt station not yet known 16 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
71 Kastanienstraße - Flora Park - Olvenstedt Clinic - Klusweg - Stephan Schütze Platz - (Großer Silberberg) not yet known 19th 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
72 <-> Change with line 61 Diesdorf - Harsdorfer Platz - Olvenstedter Platz - Lorenzweg - Am Stern not yet known 25th 20 minutes valid from 08/27/2020
73 Olvenstedter Platz - Arndtstraße - Wilhelmstädter Platz - Western plan - Opera house - Science harbor not yet known 15th 10 mins valid from 08/27/2020

(As of December 15, 2019)

In the bus sector, lines to Werner-von-Siemens-Ring, Bördepark, Pechau / Calenberge / Randau and Großer Silberberg were reopened after 1989. However, the industrial site is no longer served by MVB buses. A line that has been operated between Neustädter See and Pfahlberg no longer operates either.

With the construction of additional tram routes, it is planned to link line 52 in the Westring area with line 55. Line 54 from the direction of Bördepark is to end in Sudenburg in the future. The new tram line 8 is to gradually replace the bus line 69 completely.

Night traffic

In night traffic, six bus and two tram lines meet at the central Alter Markt transfer station. Before the major timetable change in July 2015, this task was fulfilled by the Damaschkeplatz / ZOB stop, which is no longer available due to the bridge renovation and tunnel construction at Magdeburg Central Station . The follow-up meetings take place daily at 11:15 p.m., 11:45 p.m., 12:15 a.m., 12:45 a.m., 1:15 a.m., 2:15 a.m., 3:15 a.m. and 4:15 a.m. and also on Sundays at 5:00 a.m. 3 p.m. and 6:15 a.m. In addition, the night network has a further, but decentralized call bus line compared to the other lines.

Line overview

line Route Travel time Stops Remarks / Notes
N1 Old Market - Cracau - Sports gynasium - Arenas - Exhibition grounds / Elbauenpark - University of Applied Sciences - Herrenkrug station - Herrenkrug not yet known 18th valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ runs as a bus
N2 Alter Markt - Hasselbachplatz - Warschauer Straße - Buckau (waterworks) - SKL - Salbker Platz - Westerhüsen (depot) not yet known 23 valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ operates as a tram
N3 Old Market - Hasselbachplatz - Südring - Sudenburg - Hansa Park - Leipziger Chaussee - Hansa Park not yet known 29 valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ runs as a bus
N4 Old Market - Central Station East - Public Transport - Hasselbachplatz - Nelkenweg - Hansa Park - Pear Garden - Eichplatz not yet known 20th valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ runs as a bus
N5 Alter Markt - Central Station East - Public Transport - Hasselbachplatz - Südring - Arndtstrasse - Westring - Diesdorf not yet known 20th valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ runs as a bus
N6 Old Market - Western Plan - Wilhelmstädter Platz - Olvenstedter Platz - Am Stern - Olvenstedt Clinic - Stephan Schütze Platz not yet known 25th valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ connection line N9 at Olvenstedter Platz +++ runs as a bus
N7 Alter Markt - Nachtweide - Am Stadtblick - Ikea - Milchweg - Kannenstieg not yet known 30th valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ runs as a bus
N8 Alter Markt - Opera House - University - S station Neustadt - Kastanienstraße - S station Eichenweiler - Depot North - Barleber See not yet known 22nd valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ operates as a tram
N9 Olvenstedter Platz - Lorenzweg - Am Stern not yet known valid from August 27th, 2020 +++ connection to line N6 at Olvenstedter Platz +++ operates as an on-call bus



Tram in Magdeburg

Main article: Magdeburg tram

In Magdeburg there are currently 83 modern low-floor trams of the type NGT 8D, of which 25 are from the first generation (wagon numbers 1301 to 1325), 28 from the second generation (1326 to 1353) and 19 from the third generation (1354 to 1372). The commissioning of the fourth generation (car numbers 1373 to 1383) began in autumn 2012 and was completed in early 2013. The low-floor multiple units have been in use since 1995 and are gradually replacing the old Tatra stock. Magdeburger Verkehrsbetriebe has been using a single-type tram fleet since January 27, 2013, consisting of 83 low-floor articulated multiple units NGT 8D and 11 modernized Tatra B6A2-MOD vehicles.

In addition, there are 4 Tatra T6A2 railcars and 2 Tatra B6A2 sidecars in use, which are coupled to form 3 trains (1 × railcar + railcar and 2 × railcars + trailer). These have been in use again as planned since April 2017.


The MVB standard bus fleet consists of 30 low-floor articulated buses (MAN NG 313 and Solaris Urbino 18), 26 low-floor standard buses (MAN NL 223, MAN NL 263 and Solaris Urbino 12) and two minibuses (Mercedes-Benz Sprinter City). A MAN SD 200 double-decker bus is also available for city tours and special trips.

subsidiary company

MVB holds shares in the following companies:

  • Magdeburger Weisse Flotte GmbH (100%; EUR 0.15 million)
  • Magdeburger Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (100%; EUR 0.025 million)
  • Central German traffic area and transport cleaning company (51%; EUR 0.053 million)
  • Mitteldeutsche Verkehrsconsult GmbH (50%; EUR 0.02 million)
  • Sports and Surf Club Dierhagen Strand GmbH & Co. KG (26%; EUR 0.271 million)
  • Sports and Surf Club Dierhagen Strand Verwaltungs GmbH (26%; EUR 0.006 million)
  • Purchasing and business company for transport companies mbH (1%; EUR 0.003 million)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b MVB facts and figures, vehicle fleet