Magnetic signature

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A magnetic signature is a deviation in the magnetic field that can be detected by magnetic anomaly detectors . If the magnetic field deviation has characteristics that allow recognition, this is referred to as a magnetic signature. The effect is used in scientific, technical and military areas for various purposes.

Scientific application

In materials research , the evaluation of magnetic signatures is used to research material properties. In the geophysical discipline of geomagnetics , the term magnetic anomaly is used synonymously. The investigation of such anomalies is used to find disruptive bodies below the earth's surface, such as B. in the prospecting of deposits, the mapping of archaeological sites in archaeometry or in the field probing in the context of the disposal of ordnance .

Data storage technology

The use of magnetic signatures is widely used in magnetic data storage media . The data is stored magnetically in data fields using data structure . The detection of the magnetic signatures on the storage media allows sequential access to magnetic tapes or direct access to hard drives to the data on the memory.

Military technology

In military technology, magnetic anomalies are used, among other things, to detonate sea ​​mines when a watercraft passes them. They are also used to detect submerged submarines. Therefore an attempt is made to keep the magnetic signature as small as possible. Some naval ships such as minesweepers are therefore made of non-magnetic materials and magnetic materials are demagnetized in a complex process . Parts made of magnetic material are also required for ships made of non-ferrous materials such as aluminum or wood. Since these parts also generate a magnetic signature, on naval vessels are MES equipment ( M agnetischer E strength s chutz ) installed. These systems counteract the disturbance with the help of active coils, whereby the signature is reduced, but cannot be completely suppressed.

Individual evidence

  1. TJ Liu, J. Hu, B. Qian, D. Fobes, ZQ Mao, W. Bao, M. Reehuis, SAJ Kimber, K. Prokeš, S. Matas, DN Argyriou, A. Hiess, A. Rotaru, H. Pham, L. Spinu, Y. Qiu, V. Thampy, AT Savici, JA Rodriguez, C. Broholm: From (π, 0) magnetic order to superconductivity with (π, π) magnetic resonance in Fe 1.02 Te 1 − x Se x . In: Nature Materials. 9, 2010, p. 718, doi : 10.1038 / nmat2800 .
  2. John J. Holmes: Exploitation of a Ship's Magnetic Field Signatures . Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2006, ISBN 978-1-59829-075-2 , pp. 40 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. MTU - Lucie Maluck: On a secret mission - demagnetization

Web links

  • STL Systemtechnik Ludwig GmbH, Konstanz, measuring probes (official manufacturer's website)