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Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
༄ ༅ ༎ བྱེ་ བྲག་ ཏུ་ རྟོགས་ པར་ བྱེད་པ་ ཆེན་པོ་ ༎
Wylie transliteration :
bye brag tu rtogs par byed pa chen po
Official transcription of the PRCh :
Qêzhagdu Dogbar Jêba Qênbo
THDL transcription :
Jedraktu Tokpar Jepa Chenpo
Chinese name
Traditional :
翻譯 名義 大 集
Simplified :
翻译 名义 大 集
Pinyin :
Fānyì míng yì dà jí

The Mahāvyutpatti ( Devanagari : महाव्युत्पत्ति ) is a Sanskrit - Tibetan terminology dictionary . It was written at the beginning of the 9th century and contains 9565 entries in 227 chapters.

The Mahāvyutpatti (from Sanskrit mahā "big", vyutpatti "derivation, etymology") arose in the year 802 or 814 from an effort to create a standardized Tibetan terminology for Sanskrit terms of Buddhism . It was developed by a team of translators from Tibetans and Indians created with the support of the Tibetan royal family. It was included in the Buddhist canon and its terminological equivalents were binding for later translations , therefore it was also understood as a "royal decree". The same team also wrote the ༄ ༅ ༎ སྒྲ་ སྦྱོར་ བམ་ བམ་ པོ་ གཉིས་ པ་ ༎ (*  Madhyavyutpatti ), a commentary on a selection of terms from the Mahāvyutpatti.

Later there were editions with translations into Chinese , Mongolian and Manchurian . The Mahāvyutpatti inspired numerous glossaries such as the Wǔ yì hébì jíyào 《五 譯 合璧 集 要》 . Title page of a Mahāvyutpatti


  • Alexander Csoma de Kőrös [Sándor Kőrösi Csoma]: Sanskrit – Tibetan – English Vocabulary. Being an Edition and Translation of the Mahavyutpatti . Calcutta: Asiatic Society / Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Vol. 1 1910, Vol. 2 1916, Vol. 3 1944. New edition: Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1984.
  • Sakaki Ryōzaburō 榊 亮 三郎 : Hon'yaku myōgi daishū. Bon-Zō-Kan-Wa yonʼyaku taikō 飜 譯 名義 大 集. 梵 藏漢 和 四 譯 對 校 . Kyōto: Shingonshū Kyōto Daigaku 眞 言 宗 京都 大學 , 1916. 2nd edition with Sanskrit index 1925; New edition: Taibei: Huáyǔ chūbǎnshè 華宇 出版社 , 1985.
  • Ogihara Unrai 荻 原 雲 来 : Bon – Kan taiyaku Bukkyō jiten. Honʼyaku myōgi taishū 梵 漢 對 譯 佛教 辭典. 翻譯 名義 大 集 . Tōkyō: Sankibō Busshorin 山 喜 房 仏 書 林, 1915. New edition: Taibei: Xīnwénfēng chūbǎn gǔfèn yǒuxiàn gōngsī 新 文 豐 出版 股份有限公司 , 1976.
  • Lokesh Chandra: Quadrilingual Mahāvyutpatti. Sanskrit – Tibetan – Chinese – Mongolian Lexicon of Buddhist Terms . New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1981.
  • Anton Schiefner: Buddhist Triglottes, d. H. Sanskrit-Tibetan-Mongolian dictionary . St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1859.
  • Ishihama Yumiko 石 濱 裕美子 , Fukuda Yōichi 福田 洋 一 : Shintei honʼyaku myōgi taishū 新 訂 翻 訳 名義 大 集 . Tōkyō: Tōyō Bunko 東洋 文庫 , 1989.
  • János Szerb, Alice Sárközi: A Buddhist Terminological Dictionary. The Mongolian Mahāvyutpatti . Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1995.
  • Raghu Vira: Pentaglot Dictionary of Buddhist Terms in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian and Chinese . Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1961.
  • Walter Simon : Tibetan Lexicography and Etymological Research . In: Transactions of the Philological Society (1965): 85-107.


  1. བཅོམ་ ལྡན་ འདས་ ཀྱི་ རིང་ ལུགས་ ཀྱི་ འདུན་ ས་
  2. བསྟན་ འགྱུར་
  3. བཀའ་ བཅད་