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Mahlmitze , also Mahlmetze, was called the material wages due to the miller for grinding grain . This miller's wage was different for each region, but it was often 1/16 of the amount of grist or 1/16 of this per bushel . There were exceptions to these stipulations in times of need or for bakers. Then only 1/32 or 1/24 of the amount of grain was taken, regardless of the variety. In Dinkelsbühl the measure was 1/21. The meal in Bavaria was 1/32 of a bushel of grain. The Mahlmitze was also offset against the flour price in monetary form. The remuneration through the Mahlmitze brought the millers a comparatively good income, which was about three times the wages for hammer smiths , carpenters or stone cutters.

The Sester Molzermaß was a common name for the meal in the Grand Duchy of Baden . The amount of “coated” grain to be paid in Baden was 1/14 of each grain delivered in a sester . Paragraph 10 of the scale for the Grand Duchy of January 2, 1829 stipulated the “ special provisions on Molzer = Maase ”. The Sester Molzermass had to have the inscription "Molzermaas" on the measuring cylinder for the Sester and required the calibration and approval.


Individual evidence

  1. Pierer 's Universal Lexicon. Volume 10, Altenburg 1860, p. 722.
  2. ^ Leopold Einsle: Systematic compilation of the most excellent European measures, weights and coins ... Verlag Jof. Kösel'sche Buchhandlung, Kempten 1846, p. 78.
  3. Martina Switalski: Country Müller and industrialization. Social history of Franconian mills in the 19th century. Waxmann, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-8309-1539-X , p. 121.
  4. ^ Christian Noback , Friedrich Eduard Noback : Complete paperback of the coin, measure and weight ratios ..., Volume 1, FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1851, p. 406
  5. ^ Grand Ducal Baden State and Government Gazette. 27th year, No. 1–24, Law and Ordinance Gazette of Baden. Karlsruhe 1829, published January 27, 1829, p. 9.