Casiano Monegal

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Casiano Monegal (* 1885 in Melo ; † October 12, 1944 ) was a Uruguayan writer , journalist and politician .


Casiano Monegal, brother of the writer José Monegal , whose most important works are probably "El Hijo", had a mandate from February 15, 1923 to February 14, 1926 as a member of the Partido Nacional for the Cerro Largo department in Cámara de Representatives .

He was also the president of the football club Melo FC.


  • Caín (1908)
  • Chanzas (1910)
  • El hijo (1912)
  • Las carabelas (1914)
  • Musas hermanas (as co-author with Federico Acosta y Lara ) (1921)
  • Décimas a Melo (1944)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "La narrativa uruguaya: estudio crítico-bibliográfico by John E. Englekirk and Margaret M. Ramos" by John Eugene Englekirk , Margaret M. Ramos
  2. ^ "La Pluma, Volume 1" by Alberto Zum Felde, Alvaro A. Araujo
  3. "Agenda Blanca - octubre"
  4. Biography of José Monegal ( Memento from July 9, 2012 in the web archive )
  5. List of Uruguayan parliamentarians from 1830 to 2005 on ( Memento of the original from October 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 7.8 MB)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. ^ "Literatura y futbol en el Uruguay, 1899-1990: la polémica, el encuentro" by Pablo Rocca