Mainz Psychoanalytic Institute

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The Mainz Psychoanalytic Institute (mpi) is an institute of the German Psychoanalytic Association and thus a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association as well as an institute for analytical child and adolescent psychotherapy as a member of the Association of Analytical Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists based in Mainz . The purpose of the association is the training and further education as well as the promotion of the science of psychoanalysis founded by Sigmund Freud and all its applications.


Predecessor institution

The Psychoanalytical Seminar Mainz-Wiesbaden eV (PSMW), founded by Sven Olaf Hoffmann on January 17, 1985, served for advanced training in psychotherapy based on depth psychology in the Mainz and Wiesbaden region. Here the additional title psychotherapy could be acquired. Ten years after its establishment, the faculty consisted of 25 members, 101 candidates had been admitted to further education. However, the legal framework has now changed, so that one could no longer practice as a specialist with the additional title. That is why other opportunities for further training were now required, for example in analytical psychotherapy . On September 28, 1994, a “Committee for the Establishment of a Psychoanalytical Seminar Mainz” was set up, which drew up statutes, further training regulations and a curriculum. Among other things, close cooperation with the Frankfurt Psychoanalytic Institute was planned .

Founding years: Mainz Psychoanalytical Working Group

On March 29, 1995, the founding meeting of the Mainz Psychoanalytical Working Group (MPA) took place in the premises of the University Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Mainz. The chairman of the meeting was Prof. Dr. Hans-Volker Werthmann. The 23 people present unanimously approved the establishment of the MPA. The first board consisted of Dr. med. Helmut Luft (1st chairman), Dr. phil. Hans Willenberg (2nd chairman), Dipl.-Psych. Eugen Gülker (Treasurer), Dr. med. René Fischer (Head of the Training Committee), Dr. phil. Annelore Werthmann ( DGPT representative ) and Dr. phil. Ingrid Behrens (co-opted). The working group consisted of 6 training analysts. This number was important in order to be able to obtain the status of a member institute of the DPV . On May 25, 1995 the members of the DPV unanimously approved the establishment of the MPA. This was followed by recognition by the German Society for Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Depth Psychology on November 30, 1995.

The MPA board of directors met for the first time on June 8, 1995, the advanced training committee for the first time on August 29, 1995. On September 26, 1995, the first information event for those interested in continuing education took place; 4 candidates were accepted. The training began in the 1996 summer semester.

On October 24, 1995, the MPA's first general meeting took place. Questions of recognition by the State Medical Association, scientific commitment, registration as an association, financing and public relations were discussed.

The MPA was opened on June 28 and 29, 1996 in the premises of the University Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy and in the Electoral Palace in Mainz. Leon Wurmser was invited as the main speaker and spoke on "Deficit, Defect, Conflict and Narcissistic Vicious Circle".

International and state recognition: Mainz Psychoanalytical Institute

The International Psychoanalytic Association recognized the MPA as a full member. In the years before the Psychotherapists Act (PsychThG on June 16, 1998) for psychologists, state recognition of training institutes was granted exclusively by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), while the regulations for the psychoanalytical training of doctors were in the hands of the medical associations. To be recognized by the KBV, the MPA had to prove that it had successfully carried out a full curricular training company for two years. The MPA started with four trainees. By the time it was recognized by the KBV, the number of training participants and candidates had risen to fourteen and the number of training analysts to eight. Recognition by the KBV took place on December 18, 1998. This was taken as an opportunity to rename MPA to Mainz Psychoanalytical Institute (mpi). The mpi was thus the youngest and last DPV institute, for which the KBV was still the relevant approval authority, while from 1999 the state authorities according to PsychThG took over this function with the innovation that a state examination with subsequent approval was introduced. On November 8, 1999, the mpi was the first DPV institute to be recognized as a training facility in accordance with Section 6 PsychThG.


  • Dr. med. Helmut Luft: 1995–2000
  • Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Hans Willenberg: 2000-2008
  • Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Rainer Paul: 2008–2012
  • Dr. med. Jürgen Sandmann: 2012–2018
  • Dipl.-Psych. Steffi Keßeler-Scheler: since 2018

See also


  • Rainer Paul (Ed.): On the history of psychoanalysis in the Rhine-Main area . Mainz Psychoanalytical Institute, Mainz 2011, ISBN 978-3-00-035434-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Annelore Werthmann: Letter to the German Psychoanalytical Association, 1995. Unpublished, read in the archive of the mpi
  2. Günter Maass. Letter to the members of the PSMW dated April 12, 1995. Unpublished, read in the mpi archive
  3. ^ Rainer Paul: On the history of psychoanalysis in the Rhine-Main area . Mainz Psychoanalytical Institute Mainz 2011
  4. ^ Minutes of the founding meeting. Unpublished, read in the archive of the mpi
  5. Minutes of the general meeting of October 24, 1995. Unpublished, read in the mpi archive
  6. Christa Hack, Steffi Keßeler-Scheler. Festschrift on the occasion of the award of the honorary chairmanship of the Mainz Psychoanalytical Institute to Annelore Werthmann , Mainz Psychoanalytical Institute, Mainz 2007