Malay water shrew

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Malay water shrew
Superordinate : Laurasiatheria
Order : Insect eater (Eulipotyphla)
Family : Shrews (Soricidae)
Subfamily : Soricinae
Genre : Beaver shrews ( Chimarrogale )
Type : Malay water shrew
Scientific name
Chimarrogale hantu
Harrison , 1958

The Malay water shrew ( Chimarrogale hantu ) is a shrew from the genus beaver shrews living in Southeast Asia . Very little is known about the critically endangered species.


The Malay water shrew is relatively large with a head and body length of eight to twelve centimeters and a tail length of six to ten centimeters. The weight is about 30 grams. The body, which is adapted to locomotion under water, is streamlined, with short legs and a tail that is long and hairy in proportion to its height. The dense and water-repellent fur is dark gray on the back, sometimes brownish. The ventral side is light gray or white. The Malay water shrew has a long snout , tiny eyes and barely visible ears. The feet have a bristle border that acts as a webbed skin. When the Malay water shrew dives, small flaps of skin close the ear openings.


This Malay water shrew is only known from a very small area in the tropical rainforest of the Malay peninsula . In the Hulu Langat Forest Reserve , Hulu Langat District , Selangor , Malaysia , it inhabits small streams and the banks of rivers.

Distribution on the Malay Peninsula


Since the first description by the British zoologist and later professor at the National University of Singapore , John Leonard Harrison, little new knowledge has been gained about the ecology of the Malay water shrew. After that it lives in clear rivers and prey on insects , aquatic insect larvae , small crabs and shrimp as well as fish under water. The few other publications deal primarily with taxonomic topics and repeat Harrison's statements. Only Stone indicates occurrences up to an altitude of 3300 meters.

Hazard and protection

The Malay water shrew, which depends on clear and clean water, suffers from the destruction of their habitats through clearing, sedimentation and water pollution. Occasionally it gets caught in fishing nets and fish traps. The IUCN action plan for all Eurasian insectivores and wood shrews, launched in 1995, is also intended to contribute to the conservation of the Malay water shrew. For this purpose, studies of the habitat in the Hulu Langat Forest Reserve and in the neighboring Temegor Forest Reserve are ongoing. Due to its habitat, the Malay water shrew is classified as "low endangered" in the IUCN Red List . At the same time, however, the reasoning refers to the limited occurrence in a habitat that is increasingly threatened by human encroachment, deforestation and expanding agriculture, so that the continued existence of this species is endangered.


  • JL Harrison (1958): Chimarrogale hantu a new water shrew from the Malay Peninsular, with a note on the genera Chimarrogale and Crossigale (Insectivora, Soricidae) . Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13 (1): 282-290.
  • JF Merritt, S. Churchfield, R. Hutterer, B. Sheftel (Eds.) (2005): Recent Advances in the Biology of Shrews II . International Society of Shrew Biologists, Special Publication No. 1.
  • R. Hutterer (2005): Tooth formula and tooth nomenclature in shrews . International Society of Shrew Biologists, Special Publication No. 1: 397-404.
  • R. Hutterer (2005): Order Soricomorpha . In: Mammal Species of the world: a taxonomical reference . Third ed. (DE Wilson, DA Reeder, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 220-311.
  • D. Stone (1996): Eurasian Insectivores and Tree Shrews: Status, Survey and Conservation Action Plan . IUCN / SSC Insectivore, Tree Shrew and Elephant Shrew Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switerzland.
  • F. Chiozza (2008): Chimarrogale hantu . In: IUCN (2010): IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . Version 2010.1. <>. Downloaded on 10 May 2010.

Web links

Commons : Malay water shrew ( Chimarrogale hantu )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  • David Burnie (Ed.): Animals - The large picture encyclopedia with over 2000 species. Dorling Kindersley, Starnberg 2006, ISBN 3-831-00956-2
  1. ^ A b Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE): Malayan water shrew ( Chimarrogale hantu ) at (accessed May 9, 2010)
  2. a b F. Chiozza (2008): Chimarrogale hantu . In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . Version 2010.1. <> (accessed May 10, 2010)
  3. ^ JL Harrison (1958): Chimarrogale hantu a new water shrew from the Malay Peninsular, with a note on the genera Chimarrogale and Crossigale (Insectivora, Soricidae) . Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13 (1): 282-290
  4. ITIS Report: Chimarrogale hantu Harrison, 1958 (English, accessed May 9, 2010)
  5. R. Hutterer: Order Soricomorpha . In: Mammal Species of the world: a taxonomical reference . Third ed. (Wilson, DE & DA Reeder, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2005, pp. 220-311
  6. R. Hutterer (2005): Tooth formula and tooth nomenclature in shrews . International Society of Shrew Biologists, Special Publication No. 1: 397-404
  7. ^ A b D. Stone (1996): Eurasian Insectivores and Tree Shrews: Status, Survey and Conservation Action Plan . IUCN / SSC Insectivore, Tree Shrew and Elephant Shrew Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switerzland