Malbrouck vervet monkey

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Malbrouck vervet monkey
Malbrouck vervet monkey

Malbrouck vervet monkey

Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Cheekbones monkey (Cercopithecinae)
Tribe : Vervet monkeys (Cercopithecini)
Genre : Vervet monkeys ( Chlorocebus )
Type : Malbrouck vervet monkey
Scientific name
Chlorocebus cynosuros
( Scopoli , 1786)

The Malbrouck vervet monkey ( Chlorocebus cynosuros ) is a species of primate from the family of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecidae). It is one of the six species in which the vervet monkeys are differentiated in the more recent classifications.

Malbrouck vervet monkeys, like all green monkeys, are slender, long-tailed primates. Their fur is gray-green on the top and lighter on the underside. The face is colored black and surrounded by whitish hair on the cheeks and forehead. These animals reach a weight of 4 to 6 kilograms, with the males becoming heavier than the females. The head body length is 40 to 60 centimeters and the tail length up to 70 centimeters.

These monkeys are native to southwest Africa . Their distribution area includes the south of the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Angola , Zambia , Botswana and northern Namibia . They inhabit both open forest areas and grasslands.

Distribution map of the Malbrouck Vervet Monkey

Like all green monkeys, they are diurnal and can be found both on the ground and in the trees. They live in groups of up to 50 animals, which consist of several males and females with their offspring. Both sexes develop a hierarchy that affects, among other things, access to food sources and reproduction.

They are omnivores that eat fruits, leaves, shoots, seeds and other vegetable foods as well as insects and other small animals.

These animals are unlikely to be endangered species, but the IUCN does not list the Malbrouck monkey separately.


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Commons : Malbrouck Vervet Monkey ( Chlorocebus cynosuros )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files