Painter of Athens 894

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Attic-Late Geometric neck amphora by the painter from Athens 894 with horse-drawn carts on both sides of the neck; around 735/20 BC Chr .; Museum of Cycladic Art , Athens

The Painter of Athens 894 is an Attic - late Geometric vase painter and probably also a potter, whose works date back to the last third of the 8th century BC. To be dated.

The painter of Athens 894 is named for the workshop of Athens 894 , one of the most important Attic ceramic workshops of phase SG II b of the late Geometric period. His name vase is now in the National Museum of Athens and has the inventory number 894. John Nicolas Coldstream attributed seven vessels to him. When it comes to decorating the vessels, he does not differ from the other works in the workshop, which are grouped around his works.


Web links

Commons : Painter of Athens 894  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files