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Mallovendus was a prince of the Germanic tribe of the Martians who submitted to the Romans in the context of the Germanicus campaigns in AD 15. He informed Germanicus of the hiding place of the eagle of one of the fallen legions of Varus .

The only source on the person of Mallovendus is Tacitus ( ann. 2.25) who briefly mentions him in his treatise on contemporary events. The Martians were part of the Arminius coalition against the Romans and have been the focus of Roman retaliatory measures since 11 AD. At this time, Mallovendus is known as their prince. In the autumn of 14 AD, Germanicus destroyed settlements and the cultic-religious center of the Tamfana sanctuary in the Martians area. Obviously, the civilian victims among the Teutons were significant - Mallovendus presumably survived the massacre because of his noble descent. As a result of these events, Mallovendus submitted to the Romans in 15/16 AD and thus set himself in opposition to parts of his tribe who continued the resistance against Germanicus. In the autumn of 16 AD he revealed to the returning Germanicus the whereabouts of one of the captured legionary eagles from the Varus Battle , which was buried in a sacred grove not far from the Martian region. After that, the traces and the whereabouts of the Mallovendus are lost, in any case he was not among the prisoners of the triumphal procession of Germanicus in Rome in the year 17 AD.

The two-part male Germanic personal name is made up of Germanic * maþla- = "assembly, meeting place, speech" and * -wend = "turn, turn, wind". Rudolf Much interpreted the name as the "eloquent" or with negative connotation as the "devious".

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