Mandala 2

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The Mandala 2 is the second circle of the songs Rgveda . It consists of 43 songs , which are mainly dedicated to Agni and Indra . Mandala 2 is mainly attributed to the sage ( Rishi ) Gṛtsamada śaunohotra . It belongs to the so-called family song circles (Mandala 2 to Mandala 7), the oldest core of the Rig Veda.

Temporal position

The sage Bharadvaja

According to Witzel (1995), the second group of songs contains the oldest songs in the Rigveda, which were written from around 1500 BC. Were created.

The creator of Mandala 2, the sage Grtsamada ( Sanskrit गृत्समद) belonging to the Saptarishis , is a descendant of Sunahotra Bharadvaja (भरद्वाज), who in turn already wrote Mandala 6. This would mean that the second circle of songs is a little younger than the sixth circle of songs, which Talageri (2000) regards as the earliest circle of songs in the Rigveda.

There is as yet no generally recognized time sequence among the various family song groups. Since the family song circles were kept in book form by the individual families before the Rig Veda was finally summarized in Shakas (śākhā), they can all be assigned to the earliest Vedic period . The process of creation, however, undoubtedly extended over several generations.


A Hindu sand mandala

The individual hymns / songs are in turn divided into stanzas and verses . In total, the mandala 2 consists of 429 stanzas and 866 verses. The number of stanzas per hymn can vary from a minimum of 3 (Hymn 42 and 43) to a maximum of 21 (Hymn 11 to Indra and Hymn 41). The individual stanzas usually have two verses, but some stanzas exceptionally have up to 4 verses (Hymn 22 to Indra).

List of verse introductions

The fire god Agni
The weather and war god Indra

Note: The addressee allocation follows Ralph TH Griffith .

Songs 4–7 are from Somahuti , songs 27–29 go back to Kurma , the son of Grtsamada.

The German translation follows Karl Friedrich Geldner .

Hymn / song addressee Sanskrit Transliteration translation
2, 1 (192) Agni तवमग्ने दयुभिस्त्वमाशुशुक्षणिस् tvám agne dyúbhis tvám āśuśukṣánis You, oh Agni, are born at dawn, you as the most ardent ...
2, 2 (193) Agni यज्ञेन वर्धत जातवेदसम yajñéna vardhata jātávedasam Glorified by sacrifice the Jataveda ...
2, 3 (194) Apri समिद्धो अग्निर्निहितः पर्थिव्यां sámiddho agnír níhitah pṛthivyâm Agni stands there, inflamed, set down on earth ...
2, 4 (195) Agni हुवे वः सुद्योत्मानं सुव्र्क्तिं huvé vaḥ sudiyótmānam suvṛktím For you I call the glorious, radiant, shining Agni ...
2, 5 (196) Agni होताजनिष्ट चेतनः hótājaniṣṭa cétanah The handsome Hotri is now born ...
2, 6 (197) Agni इमां मे अग्ने समिधमि imâm me agne samídham May you gladly accept this homage, oh Agni ...
2, 7 (198) Agni शरेष्ठं यविष्ठ भारताग्ने śréṣṭhaṃ yaviṣṭha bhāratāgne Oh Agni, best of the Bharata ...
2, 8 (199) Agni वाजयन्निव नू रथान vājayánn iva nû ráthān How the competitor drives his wagons ...
2, 9 (200) Agni नि होता होत्र्षदने विदानस् ní hótā hotṛṣádane vídānas The Hotri sat down on his Hotri seat as a friend ...
2, 10 (201) Agni जोहूत्रो अग्निः परथमः पितेवेळस johûtro agníḥ prathamáḥ pitévedas Agni is the first to be called out loud like a father
2, 11 (202) Indra शरुधी हवमिन्द्र मा रिशण्यः śrudhî hávam indra mâ riṣaṇyaḥ Hear the call, O Indra, don't mistake it!
2, 12 (203) Indra यो जात एव परथमो मनस्वान yó jātá evá prathamó mánasvān The God who was just born, full of prudence ...
2, 13 (204) Indra रतुर्जनित्री तस्या अपस परि ṛtúr jánitrī tásyā apás pári The season is its mother. Born of her, he went straight into the water ...
2, 14 (205) Indra अध्वर्यवो भरतेन्द्राय सोमम ádhvaryavo bháraténdrāya sómam Adhvaryu's! Wear the Soma for Indra ...
2, 15 (206) Indra पर घा नवस्य महतो महानि prá ghā nú asya maható mahâni Now I want the great (works) of this great ...
2, 16 (207) Indra पर वः सतां जयेष्ठतमाय सुष्टुतिम prá vaḥ satâṃ jyéṣṭhatamāya suṣṭutím I offer your praises to the Most High ...
2, 17 (208) Indra तदस्मै नव्यमङगिरस्वदर्चत tád asmai návyam aṅgirasvád arcata Sing this new song to him in the Angiras manner ...
2, 18 (209) Indra पराता रथो नवो योजि सस्निश् prātā rátho návo yoji sásniś In the morning the new car is harnessed ...
2, 19 (210) Indra अपाय्यस्यान्धसो मदाय ápāyi asya ándhaso mádāya A drink was made of this juice ...
2, 20 (211) Indra वयं ते वय इन्द्र विद्धि षु णः vayám te váya indra viddhí ṣú ṇaḥ We will guide you, Indra, - please take note of us - ...
2, 21 (212) Indra विश्वजिते धनजिते सवर्जिते viśvajíte dhanajíte svarjíte Him who conquers everything, wins prey, attracts sunlight ...
2, 22 (213) Indra तरिकद्रुकेषु महिषो यवाशिरं tríkadrukeṣu mahiṣó yávāśiraṃ At the Trikadruka's the daring buffalo drank ...
2, 23 (214) Brahmanaspati गणानां तवा गणपतिं हवामहे gaṇânāṃ tvā gaṇápatiṃ havāmahe We call on you, the Lord of the Singers ...
2, 24 (215) Brahmanaspati सेमामविड्ढि परभ्र्तिं य ईशिषे sémâm aviḍḍhi prábhṛtiṃ yá îśiṣe Give preference to this offering, who is master over it ...
2, 25 (216) Brahmanaspati इन्धानो अग्निं वनवद वनुष्यतः índhāno agníṃ vanavad vanuṣyatáḥ Those who light the sacrificial fire will overcome the envious ...
2, 26 (217) Brahmanaspati रजुरिच्छंसो वनवद वनुष्यतो ṛjúr íc cháṃso vanavad vanuṣyató Those who speak sincerely will overcome those who are envious ...
2, 27 (218) Adityas इमा गिर आदित्येभ्यो घर्तस्नूः imâ gíra ādityébhyo ghṛtásnūḥ I offer these unctuous eulogies to the Adityas ...
2, 28 (219) Varuna इदं कवेरादित्यस्य सवराजो idáṃ kavér ādityásya svarâjo This song to the wise, high-handed aditi son ...
2, 29 (220) Vishvedevas (totality of gods) धर्तव्रता आदित्या इषिरा dhŕtavratā âditiyā íṣirā Ye zealous Adityas who keep the commandments ...
2, 30 (221) Indra and other gods रतं देवाय कर्ण्वते सवित्र ṛtáṃ devâya kṛṇvaté savitrá To the god Savitri, who prepares them the right way ...
2, 31 (222) Visvedeva अस्माकं मित्रावरुणावतं रथम asmâkam mitrāvaruṇāvataṃ rátham Prefer our chariot, Mitra, and Varuna ...
2, 32 (223) Different deities अस्य मे दयावाप्र्थिवी रतायतो asyá me dyāvāpṛthivī ṛtāyató Heaven and earth, be patrons of this speech from me ...
2, 33 (224) Rudra आ ते पितर्मरुतां सुम्नमेतु â te pitar marutāṃ sumnám etu Your grace shall come, you father of Marut ...
2, 34 (225) Maruts धारावरा मरुतो धर्ष्ण्वोजसो dhārāvarā marúto dhṛṣṇúojaso The flowing Marut of bold strength ...
2, 35 (226) Watersons (Apam Napat) उपेमस्र्क्षि वाजयुर्वचस्यां úpem asṛkṣi vājayúr vacasyâṃ Striving for the winner's prize, I poured out my eloquence ...
2, 36 (227) Divine rotation तुभ्यं हिन्वानो वसिष्ट गा अपो túbhyaṃ hinvānó vasiṣṭa gâ apó For you he hurried himself in cow's milk, in water ...
2, 37 (228) Divine rotation मन्दस्व होत्रादनु जोषमन्धसो mándasva hotrâd ánu jóṣam ándhaso Get drunk with the drink from the Hotri's mug ...
2, 38 (229) Savitri उदु षय देवः सविता सवाय úd u ṣyá deváḥ savitâ savâya This god Savitri has set out for the many times ...
2, 39 (230) Ashvins गरावाणेव तदिदथं जरेथे grâvāṇeva tád íd árthaṃ jarethe You are up early, like (two) press stones going to the same shop ...
2.40 (231) Soma and Pushan सोमापूषणा जनना रयीणां sómāpūṣaṇā jánanā rayīṇâṃ Soma and Pushan, you creators of riches ...
2, 41 (232) Different deities वायो ये ते सहस्रिणो vâyo yé te sahasríṇo Vayu ! You have thousands of cars ...
2, 42 (233) Kapinjala (divination bird ) कनिक्रदज्जनुषं परब्रुवाण kánikradaj janúṣam prabruvāṇá Screaming, revealing his origin ...
2, 43 (234) Kapinjala परदक्षिनिदभि गर्णन्ति कारवो pradakṣiníd abhí gṛṇanti kārávo The prophecy birds answer like the singers turned to the right ...

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Witzel, Michael: Early Sanskritization: Origin and Development of the Kuru state . In: EJVS . tape 1 , no. 4 , 1995.
  2. ^ Talageri, Shrikant: The Rigveda: A historical analysis . 2000.
  3. Ralph TH Griffith: Hymns of the Rigveda . 1889.
  4. ^ Karl Friedrich Geldner: The Rig-Veda. Translated from Sanskrit into German . In: Harvard Oriental Series, 33-36 . tape 1-3 , 1951.