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Saptarishi ( Sanskrit सप्तऋषि saptaṛṣi , also सप्तर्षि saptarṣi ) is in Indian mythology a group of seven Rishis (“wise”, “seer”) who, according to Atharvaveda, shaped the world through their sacrifice.

The seven rishis are mentioned in the Brahmanas as typical representatives of the mythical period; in Shatapatha Brahmana 14,5,2,6, their names are Gautama , Bharadvaja , Vishvamitra , Jamadagni , Vasishtha , Kashyapa and Atri . In the Mahabharata , Marici , Atri , Angiras , Pulaha , Kratu , Pulastya and Vasishtha are mentioned.

At the same time, in Indian astronomy , Saptarishi denotes a constellation consisting of seven stars that corresponds to our Big Dipper .