Manfred Köhler (landscape architect)

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Manfred Koehler

Manfred Köhler (* 1955 in Wedel ) is a German landscape architect , ecologist and planner.


Köhler graduated from 1976 to 1980 with a degree in landscape development at the Technical University of Berlin , where he graduated as a qualified engineer for landscape planning. He then worked as a freelancer at the TU Berlin in research and teaching on urban ecological topics. In 1987 the doctorate on the ecological functions of facade greening followed. After working for a few years at the Institute for Ecology at the Technical University of Berlin, between 1990 and 1994 he became a manager at the Landscape Ecological Research Center in Bremen. Manfred Köhler has been a professor at the University of Neubrandenburg for the field of landscape ecology since 1994 .

Roof of the University of Neubrandenburg

Kohler deals in focus with green roofs , ecological functions of green roofs, facade greening and golf course plans . Since 1984 he has been conducting ongoing studies on biodiversity and the quantification of ecological effects on green buildings. He is also working on intervention regulations using the example of port development in Bremen . Since 1994 it has also been planning golf courses, especially under the aspect of environmentally friendly design.

In the German professional association for greening buildings (FBB) he is responsible for international contacts. He represents FBB in the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN), the amalgamation of now 25 national associations of green infrastructure. Associations that campaign for greening buildings. This term includes facade, roof and interior greening, as well as related technologies such as rainwater management and photovoltaics. Manfred Köhler has been elected President of this Toronto-registered company since 2008.

He is still a member of the Association of German Landscape Architects .

Current research topics

  • Studies on rainwater retention by green roofs, research network together with the Berlin Water Competence Center, funded by the BMBF, INIS - KURAS research package, since June 2013, duration 3 years.
  • Investigation of wall-bound greening systems, research projects, BBSR, future building.
  • On behalf of the Berlin Senate Building Administration, the effect of rainwater management through green facades was examined between 2002 and 2010 using the example of the physics building of the Humboldt University in Berlin at the Berlin-Adlershof location. The results are available in a brochure from the Senate Department for Urban Development.
  • The long-term suitability of different plant species is assessed on the question of new types of facade greening in modular construction.
  • He has been in charge of the work area “Quantifiable ecological effects of facade and roof greening” since 1980. Results are available on the thermal insulation properties of plants on buildings. The effect is essentially based on the water stored in the substrate and the associated evapotranspiration capacity. In this way an effective contribution to the "urban heat Iceland" effect (can heat island effect ) be made in cities.


Since 1982 Manfred Köhler has published over 120 publications, including around 100 on roof, facade and interior greening. Examples from this:

  • 2012: Köhler M (Ed.) Manual of Green Buildings. R. Müller Verlag. Cologne.
  • 2008: Participation in the FLL guideline for green roofs. Bonn.
  • 2006: Köhler M: Long Term Vegetation Research on Two Extensive Green Roofs in Berlin. Urbanhabitats, Brooklyn Bot. Garden (USA): Vol 4 (1), Dec: 3 - 26.
  • 2005: Köhler M u. M Keeley: The Green Roof Tradition in Germany: The Example of Berlin. In: Ecological Design and Construction. Ed. Leslie Hoffmann, W. Mc. Donough, Earthpledge (New York), p. 108-112.
  • 2002: Köhler M, M Schmidt, FW Grimme, M Laar, VL De Assuncao Paiva, S Tavares: Green roofs in temperate Climates and in the hot-humid Tropics. Environmental and Health 13: (4) 382-391; (UK) ISSN  0956-6163 .
  • 1993: Köhler M (ed.) Facade and roof greening. Ulmer (Stuttgart) 329 pp.

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