Manfred von Riva

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Manfredo Settala , also Manfred von Riva or Beato Manfredo (* in the 12th century in Milan ; † January 27, 1217, in Riva San Vitale on Lake Lugano , according to other sources in 1450) was a priest and hermit .

Coming from an aristocratic Milanese family, he is said to have worked first as a pastor in the then extensive community of Cuasso al Monte on the southern basin of Lake Lugano and later retired as a hermit on the 1097 m high Monte San Giorgio . His relics are venerated in the parish church of Riva San Vitale. He is often represented as a hermit with a cross, book or rosary .

His feast day in the Catholic Church is January 27th and is traditionally celebrated in Riva with a large village festival.


  • Ekkart SauserMANFRED. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 16, Bautz, Herzberg 1999, ISBN 3-88309-079-4 , Sp. 981-982.
  • Stefania Bianchi: Meride. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . 18th January 2017 .
  • Giulio A. Cattaneo: Storia, immaginario, mito e leggenda (con qualche divagazione) sulla toponomastica di Meride , Como 2006.
  • Pietro Gini: Enciclopedia dei Santi , Istituto Giovanni XXIII della Pontificia Università Lateranense, Roma 1968.
  • Agostino Robertini: Il Beato Manfredo Settala , from the Swiss Archives for Folklore, magazine vol. 43, 1946, doi : 10.5169 / seals-114218 .
  • Davide Sesti: Il culto pubblico al Beato Manfredo Settala (studio storico-critico), Mendrisio 1917.
  • Primo Luigi Tatti: De gli annali sacri della città di Como raccolti e descritti dal PD Primo Luigi Tatti Ch. Regolare della congregatione somasca. Decade seconda. Nella quale sono compresi i successi tanto ecclesiastici, quanto secolari della medesima dall'anno Ottocento Ottantotto sino al Mille Trecento di nostra salute , in Milano, nella stampa di Giovanni Battista Ferrario, 1683.

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