Primera División (chess) team squad 1981

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The list of the team cadres of the Primera División (chess) 1981 contains all players who played at least one game in the Spanish Primera División in chess 1981 , with their individual results.


While seven teams got by with five players each, seven players played at least one game at Asociación Barcinona. A total of 54 players were used, 20 of whom took part in all competitions.

The best point player was Ángel Martín González (CE Vulcà Barcelona) with 8 points from 9 games. Alejandro Pablo Marín (UGA Barcelona) achieved 7.5 points from 9 games, Manuel Rivas Pastor (Círculo Mercantil Sevilla) 7 points from 9 games. No player achieved 100%, Martín González also achieved the best percentage result.


The tables below contain the following information:

  • No .: Ranking list number
  • Title: FIDE Title; GM = Grand Master , IM = International Master
  • Country: Association membership according to Elo list from July 1981; COL = Colombia, ESP = Spain, PER = Peru, SWE = Sweden
  • Elo: Elo number in the July 1981 Elo list
  • G: number of winning games
  • R: Number of draw games
  • V: number of losing games
  • Pkt .: Number of points achieved
  • Games: Number of games played

CE Vulcà Barcelona

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 GM Orestes Rodríguez Vargas BY 2440 5 3 1 6.5 9
2 GM Juan Manuel Bellón López ESP 2400 4th 5 0 6.5 9
3 Ángel Martín González ESP 2405 7th 2 0 8th 9
4th IN THE Francisco Javier Sanz Alonso ESP 2360 0 3 1 1.5 4th
5 Víctor Manuel Vehí Bach ESP 2295 3 1 1 3.5 5

UGA Barcelona

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 GM Arturo Pomar Salamanca ESP 2400 1 5 2 3.5 8th
2 Francisco Javier Ochoa de Echagüen ESP 2405 4th 4th 1 6th 9
3 IN THE José Luis Fernández García ESP 2420 4th 5 0 6.5 9
4th Alejandro Pablo Marín ESP 2345 7th 1 1 7.5 9
5 Alfredo Rosich Valles ESP 0 1 0 0.5 1

CE Olot

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 IN THE Óscar Humberto Castro Rojas COL 2415 3 3 3 4.5 9
2 Rafael González Maza ESP 2270 2 3 3 3.5 8th
3 Miguel Ángel Nepomuceno Salcedo ESP 1 4th 4th 3 9
4th Carles Casacuberta Vergés ESP 4th 3 1 5.5 8th
5 Josep María Mir Codina ESP 0 1 1 0.5 2

Círculo Mercantil Seville

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 IN THE Manuel Rivas pastor ESP 2470 5 4th 0 7th 9
2 Ricardo Montecatine Rios ESP 2265 1 5 2 3.5 8th
3 Leonardo García Junco ESP 0 4th 5 2 9
4th Eduardo Niehus Hiller ESP 1 6th 2 4th 9
5 Juan José Lasarte Salas ESP 0 0 1 0 1

CA Peña Rey Ardid Bilbao

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 Juan Mario Gómez Esteban ESP 2285 2 4th 3 4th 9
2 Pedro María Zabala Bilbao ESP 1 3 4th 2.5 8th
3 Eleazar Ortiz Herranz ESP 2 4th 1 4th 7th
4th Rafael Álvarez Ibarra ESP 4th 3 1 5.5 8th
5 Juan Carlos Fernández García ESP 0 1 3 0.5 4th

Círculo Mercantil San Sebastián

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 Francisco Gallego Eraso ESP 2 5 2 4.5 9
2 Félix Izeta Txabarri ESP 2 4th 3 4th 9
3 Antonio Serras Uría ESP 0 8th 1 4th 9
4th Juan Francisco Ezpeleta Pradera ESP 0 3 0 1.5 3
5 Julia Gallego Eraso ESP 1 3 2 2.5 6th

CA Gambito Valencia

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 IN THE Jaan Eslon SWE 2445 3 5 1 5.5 9
2 Rafael Mari Sancho ESP 2265 2 6th 1 5 9
3 Ramon Navarro Lerma ESP 0 1 3 0.5 4th
4th José María Macián Estelles ESP 1 2 4th 2 7th
5 Juan Zapater Ros ESP 1 5 1 3.5 7th

CE Terrassa

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 IN THE Ricardo Calvo Mínguez ESP 2420 0 0 4th 0 4th
2 IN THE Miquel Farré i Mallofré ESP 0 6th 1 3 7th
3 Xavier Mateu i Palau ESP 3 3 3 4.5 9
4th Juan Pomés Marcet ESP 1 5 1 3.5 7th
5 Joan Mora Amella ESP 2 1 1 2.5 4th
6th Emili Simón Padrós ESP 0 5 0 2.5 5

CA La Caja de Canarias

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 IN THE José García Padrón ESP 2370 0 8th 1 4th 9
2 Augusto Menvielle Lacourrelle ESP 2315 2 0 1 2 3
3 Juan Pedro Domínguez Sanz ESP 2290 3 5 0 5.5 8th
4th Pedro Lezcano Montalvo ESP 2275 0 2 3 1 5
5 Ángel Fernández Fernández ESP 0 2 2 1 4th
6th María del Pino García Padrón ESP 2115 1 3 3 2.5 7th

Asociación Barcinona

No. title Surname country Elo G R. V Pt. Lots
1 Josep Parés Vives ESP 2280 1 3 2 2.5 6th
2 Luís González Mestres ESP 2350 0 0 3 0 3
3 Gregorio García Conesa ESP 2280 0 2 5 1 7th
4th Josep Garriga Nualart ESP 2300 3 2 2 4th 7th
5 Lluís Coll Enriquez ESP 4th 4th 1 6th 9
6th Felipe Tosán Pereira ESP 0 2 1 1 3
7th Lluís Viladot Serra ESP 0 1 0 0.5 1

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